for Artists

Promote Your Song with
Spotify Playlist Pitching

Pitch to the right Spotify playlists to increase your reach and give your songs a streaming boost. This is your own Spotify promotion service.

7 days free, then $2.99/mo
No credit card required!
Promote Your Song with Spotify Playlist Pitching

Get more plays on Spotify with playlist pitching

12M+ Spotify playlists

Every Spotify playlist ranked by popularity.

Playlists for YOU!

Playlists that match your genre, mood, and career stage.

Direct access to
playlist curators

Reach out directly from the Viberate for Artists platform.

Monitoring with 'Spotify for Artists' stats

All playlist placements with generated listeners and streams.

No credit card required!

How it works

  1. Access a chart of Spotify playlists

    Viberate ranks 12M+ Spotify playlists by popularity (the number of followers or recent follower growth).

  2. Create a shortlist of potential Spotify playlists

    Filter the playlists by genre and subgenre, playlist type, the popularity and release date of featured tracks, and more. Now you’ve shortlisted the playlists most suitable for you.

  3. Pitch your songs to curators

    Reach out directly to Spotify playlist curators and promote your songs (not limited to new releases!).

  4. Monitor your performance

    Track your playlist performance in one place: reach through time, top playlists, playlisted tracks, etc.

Get playlisted with your own
Spotify promotion service

Only on ViberateChart of 12M+ Spotify playlists

  • Getting on the right Spotify playlists can help you reach new fans. We’re ranking more than 12 million Spotify playlists of all types. You can sort them by the number of followers, their 1-month follower growth, and the number of featured tracks.
  • Start Now
Chart of 12M+ Spotify playlists

Find Spotify playlists, most suitable for you

  • Promote your songs where it matters. Create a shortlist of playlists that match your genre and subgenre, choose the playlist type, featured track popularity, and release date to make sure the playlists also add newly released songs like yours.
  • Start Now
Find Spotify playlists, most suitable for you

Reach out directly to playlist curators

  • By choosing the direct contact type, you get playlists that you can reach directly through the platform. It’s super convenient with an easy-to-use form. You can reach other curators using external links.
  • Start Now
Reach out directly to playlist curators

Showcase your music on a one-sheet

  • Playlist curators can check out your music on your new website for musicians. It displays your genre(s), top-performing songs, audience breakdown, and more. Plus, it has a contact button so other music professionals can reach out to you, too.
  • Start Now
Showcase your music on a one-sheet

Keep track with ‘Spotify for Artists’ stats

  • Which are your most-playlisted songs, which Spotify playlists bring you the most listeners and streams, how did your playlist reach change over time, etc. We’ll show you all your Spotify for Artists stats, and add more streaming data that will help you plan your music promotion.
  • Start Now
Keep track with ‘Spotify for Artists’ stats

Monitor your music channels

  • Not only your Spotify stats – by connecting your music channels, you’ll also get your full Apple Music, Amazon Music, Shazam, and other first-party streaming analytics in one place. This way, you can also monitor your streams, listeners, fanbase size, audience geolocation, and more.
  • Start Now
Monitor your music channels

Promote your song with social media stats

  • Reach the right audience for your releases with TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook analytics. Your fanbase breakdown, their gender, age, and location by country and city will help you better target your music promotion. Then, you can monitor your success through time.
  • Start Now
Promote your song with social media stats
Join Viberate for Artists

Your artist stats & promo tools in one hub

Supercharge your music career without switching tools.

No credit card required!

“When I was starting my career, access to the music industry was extremely limited – especially where I come from. A tool like Viberate for Artists would have saved me a lot of energy I could have used to focus on my creative process instead.”

UMEK, Techno producer & Viberate’s co-founder

How do we compare

to other music playlist promotion tools?

for Artists
Spotify for




Upcoming releasesCheckCheck-CheckCheck-Check--
Released musicCheck-CheckCheckCheck-CheckCheckCheck
Chart of 12M+ Spotify playlistsCheck--------
Target specific playlistsCheck--Check-----
Pitch to indie curator playlistsCheck-CheckCheckCheckCheckCheckCheckCheck
Pitch to editorial playlists-Check-------
Spotify for Artists analyticsCheckCheck-------
Playlist analyticsCheck-Check----Check-
Premium streaming analyticsCheck--------
Premium social media analyticsCheck--------
Your music websiteCheck--------
Price$2.99 / monthfree$300 / campaign$1–3 / submission (credits)$2 / submission (credits)19.99–29.99 / track30£ / campaign (+ curator fee)free$0–14.99 / month
(+ add-ons)

Are you a playlist curator?

Join Viberate to receive the hottest new music that matches your playlist genre directly into your inbox.

We have answers

How can I find curators to pitch my songs to?

Start with our Playlist Chart. Use the filters on the left to define the genre and subgenre of your tracks. Apply the follower growth sorting to discover the Spotify playlists that are trending. Filter out the playlists with direct contact to curators. Clicking the Get Review button will take you to a form where you can enter all the information relevant to your track. Once you complete your review request, it will be sent to the playlist curator. If they decide to reply, you’ll receive a response to your email. We cannot guarantee a reply to your request or a review. We are not liable for the accuracy of the information entered into the review form, the information received as a reply to your request, or any aspects or outcomes of the reviewing process.
For the curators we don’t have direct contact to, we still provide you with info such as social media links or links to other platforms they use, by clicking the More Info button.

How much does it cost to pitch my songs?

Pitching your songs is included in your plan which covers 10 playlist pitches per month. Flooding curators might negatively affect your chances of getting a review or a playlist placement so choose wisely and pitch only the tracks you feel are the best fit for a specific curator and playlist.

Which songs should I pitch?

Make sure to only pitch songs that match the genres and moods of the Spotify playlist you’re targeting. Don’t pitch songs that “might” be a good fit. Don’t pitch songs that have been released for a while and haven’t gained any momentum so far. Don’t pitch low-quality recordings. Take the time to perfect the song before its release, and only pitch those songs that can contribute to the overall quality of the targeted playlist.

How many playlist curators will I be able to pitch?

We currently have direct contact to 2,500+ playlist curators, with our database growing daily. For the curators we don’t have direct contact to, we still provide you with info such as social media links or links to other platforms they use. Your Viberate for Artists plan includes 10 playlist pitches per month.

How do I increase my chances of getting a review or a Spotify playlist placement?

Your song’s genre and mood should fit perfectly into the targeted playlist, and your song should be fresh. Your pitch will be accompanied by a set of your streaming and social media stats. Make sure those are as accurate as possible by adding any missing social media or streaming links to your Viberate page. Keep your profile photo updated.

How can I use Viberate for Artists as a playlist curator?

You can apply to Viberate as a Spotify playlist curator to receive pitches with new music directly into your inbox. With Viberate, your song pitches will be structured and limited to the ones that fit your playlist genre. Furthermore, you'll be able to screen the artist's streaming and social analytics and look into their top content on their one-sheet to assess if the song is a good fit. Find out more here

Why is Viberate for Artists better than other playlist-pitching services?

Compared to other playlist-pitching services like Playlist Push, SubmitHub, Groover, MySphera, Musocoup, Soundplate, and Daily Playlists, Viberate for Artists provides a full-service hub for independent musicians, including promotional tools. Spotify playlist pitching on Viberate for Artists includes a chart of more than 12 million playlists and allows targeted pitching for the most effective approach. Additionally, you’ll get the most up-to-date and accurate streaming analytics to monitor your performance in the same hub – at the best price point on the market.

What is Viberate for Artists and how can I use it?

Viberate for Artists is a hub uniting all the must-have tools for independent musicians – streaming & social stats plus data-driven marketing tools – in one place. This is how it works:

  1. By connecting your Spotify for Artists account and other music channels, you can monitor all your streaming stats in one place. Data from the channels you connect is private to you. Viberate for Artists is powered by the music data company Viberate which maps and analyzes the entire music industry in one place, including 11M+ artists. We’ll enhance the information from your channels with our own music and social media data, which will allow you to look deeper and monitor all your analytics in one place. With the correct information, you can promote your music where it matters most and gain new fans more easily.

  2. At Viberate, every artist – including you – gets a public music website (if your artist page is not in our database yet, we’ll add it). It’s professionally designed and automatically updated. By connecting at least one music channel, you’ll take control of your website, remove all banners, and add your contact buttons. You can start sharing it right away! It contains all the important information that music professionals, from event organizers to A&Rs, need when scouting or booking artists.

  3. Viberate also analyzes and ranks 12M+ playlists. You get access to the chart which you can narrow according to your genre, playlist type, career stage, etc., and reach out to Spotify playlist curators, most suitable for you. You can pitch your songs to 2,500+ verified curators directly from the platform and reach many more via external links.

Get started here.

Supercharge your music career
without switching tools

Here’s your all-in-one artist workspace to monitor your releases and promote them where it matters.

No credit card required!