Biggest Stars

RUSRussian Folk


RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
Bakhtavar (Бахтавар)
Bakhtavar (Бахтавар)
RUSMainstream Pop

Bakhtavar (Бахтавар)

RUSPopMainstream Pop
Ulug'bek Yulchiyev
Ulug'bek Yulchiyev
UZBRussian Folk

Ulug'bek Yulchiyev

UZBEuropeanRussian Folk
Yaroslav Sumishevskiy (Ярослав Сумишевский)
Yaroslav Sumishevskiy (Ярослав Сумишевский)
RUSMainstream Pop

Yaroslav Sumishevskiy (Ярослав Сумишевский)

RUSPopMainstream Pop
Nikolay Baskov (Николай Басков)
Nikolay Baskov (Николай Басков)
RUSMainstream Pop

Nikolay Baskov (Николай Басков)

RUSPopMainstream Pop
RUSMainstream Pop


RUSPopMainstream Pop
RUSRussian Folk


RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
Prohor Shalyapin
Prohor Shalyapin
RUSRussian Folk

Prohor Shalyapin

RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
Давид Туров
Давид Туров
RUSMainstream Pop

Давид Туров

RUSPopMainstream Pop
Artur Sarkisyan (Артур Саркисян)
Artur Sarkisyan (Артур Саркисян)
RUSMainstream Pop

Artur Sarkisyan (Артур Саркисян)

RUSPopMainstream Pop
Леон Кемстач
Леон Кемстач
KAZRussian Folk

Леон Кемстач

KAZEuropeanRussian Folk
Oleg Gazmanov
Oleg Gazmanov
RUSRussian Folk

Oleg Gazmanov

RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
Aleksey Chumakov
Aleksey Chumakov
RUSMainstream Pop

Aleksey Chumakov

RUSPopMainstream Pop
Äbdijappar Älqoja (Әбдіжаппар Әлқожа)
Äbdijappar Älqoja (Әбдіжаппар Әлқожа)
KAZMainstream Pop

Äbdijappar Älqoja (Әбдіжаппар Әлқожа)

KAZPopMainstream Pop
Mikhail Shufutinsky
Mikhail Shufutinsky
RUSRussian Folk

Mikhail Shufutinsky

RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
Andrey Kartavtsev
Andrey Kartavtsev
RUSMainstream Pop

Andrey Kartavtsev

RUSPopMainstream Pop
Владимир Высоцкий
Владимир Высоцкий
RUSRussian Folk

Владимир Высоцкий

RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
UKRRussian Folk


UKREuropeanRussian Folk
Elena Vaenga
Elena Vaenga
RUSMainstream Pop

Elena Vaenga

RUSPopMainstream Pop
RUSRussian Folk


RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
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Top Artists by Radio Spins Last month

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Eleni Vitali
GRCRussian Folk

Eleni Vitali

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833 radio spins
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Zarina Tilidze
RUSRussian Folk

Zarina Tilidze

RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
388 radio spins
Bracini becari
Bracini becari
BIHRussian Folk

Bracini becari

BIHEuropeanRussian Folk
382 radio spins
RUSRussian Folk


RUSEuropeanRussian Folk
328 radio spins
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Anastasia Moutsatsou
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Anastasia Moutsatsou

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Most Streamed Spotify Tracks

Past Month
95.3K streams
L'hymne national russe
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Бродяга (feat. Alexandros Tsopozidis)
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Ах, какая женщина
Ах, какая женщина
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The Red Army Is the Strongest
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National Anthem of USSR
National Anthem of USSR
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My wing - Rave music edit
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L'hymne national russe


Чёрные глаза


Ах, какая женщина


The Red Army Is the Strongest


National Anthem of USSR


My wing - Rave music edit

Top Spotify Playlists

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Natalia Kauz
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      • 19.8M
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      Questions? We have answers

      Overview of Russian Folk music

      Russian folk music is an integral part of the country's cultural heritage and has been evolving for centuries. Its roots can be traced back to the ancient Slavic tribes who used music to express their emotions, tell stories, and celebrate their traditions.

      Over time, this music has been influenced by various cultural and historical events, including the Mongol invasions, the Orthodox Church, and the spread of Western music.

      During the Soviet era, folk music was heavily promoted as a means of national identity and pride. Many professional ensembles were formed, and composers were commissioned to create new works based on folk themes. However, this also led to a certain degree of standardization and homogenization of the music, with some traditional elements being lost.

      Since the fall of the Soviet Union, there has been a renewed interest in traditional folk music, with many young musicians exploring and experimenting with different styles and regional variations. While some purists lament the loss of authenticity, others see this as a continuation of the tradition of innovation and adaptation that has characterized Russian folk music throughout its history.

      Today, Russian folk music remains a vital and dynamic part of the country's cultural landscape, with a rich diversity of styles and performers. Whether performed in traditional settings or in contemporary contexts, it continues to inspire and captivate audiences both in Russia and around the world.

      Which musicians and bands defined Russian Folk music?

      Russian folk music has been shaped by a diverse array of musicians and bands who have contributed to its development and popularity. Here are some notable figures who have defined Russian folk music:

      Ivan Larionov, a talented folk singer, captivates audiences with his heartfelt renditions of religious Russian folk songs, embodying the soul and essence of the genre through his emotive performances.

      The Alexandrov Ensemble, renowned for their rich harmonies and powerful vocal arrangements, brings a sense of grandeur and reverence to religious Russian folk music, creating a captivating experience for listeners.

      Sergey Starostin, a gifted multi-instrumentalist and vocalist, delves into the depths of Russian folk traditions, incorporating religious themes and mysticism into his performances, captivating audiences with his virtuosity and deep connection to the music.

      Nadezhda Babkina, a celebrated folk singer, infuses her interpretations of religious Russian folk music with passion and authenticity, evoking a sense of spiritual devotion and cultural pride through her soul-stirring performances.

      Dobranotch, a dynamic folk ensemble, brings a modern twist to religious Russian folk music, blending traditional melodies with contemporary elements, creating an energetic and engaging musical experience that bridges the past and the present.

      These artists represent the diverse range of talent and expression within religious Russian Folk music, preserving the heritage of the genre while infusing it with their unique interpretations and contributions.

      Which songs and albums defined Russian Folk music?

      Some of the most well-known songs and music albums that represent Russian Folk music include:

      Ivan Larionov's rendition of "Kalinka" captures the infectious spirit of Russian Folk music, with its lively melodies and rhythmic energy, inviting listeners to embrace the joyous celebration of traditional Russian culture.

      The Alexandrov Ensemble's rendition of "Korobeiniki" enchants audiences with its vibrant harmonies and spirited vocal performances, evoking a sense of nostalgia and a connection to the Russian musical heritage.

      Sergey Starostin's album "Winter in Moscow" paints a musical portrait of the Russian winter, blending haunting melodies and poetic lyrics to create an immersive and atmospheric experience that reflects the soul of Russian Folk traditions.

      Nadezhda Babkina's soulful interpretation of "Ghapama" showcases her emotive vocal prowess, conveying the heartfelt emotions and storytelling elements that are characteristic of Russian Folk music, leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

      Dobranotch's album "Musique Russe & Yiddish" brings together the vibrant sounds of Russian Folk and Yiddish music, blending traditional melodies with contemporary arrangements, creating a fusion of cultural influences that is both captivating and unique.

      These songs and albums exemplify the diversity and artistry within Russian Folk music, allowing listeners to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of melodies, rhythms, and lyrical storytelling that define this cherished genre.

      Which music festivals and events represent Russian Folk music?

      Some of the festivals and events that represent Russian Folk music genre include the "Grushinsky Festival", a renowned festival takes place in the picturesque village of Grushino, Russia. It brings together talented musicians, singers, and dancers from across the country to showcase their skills and immerse audiences in the authentic sounds and vibrant energy of Russian Folk music.

      Another notable event is the "Chaliapin festival", named after the legendary Russian opera singer Feodor Chaliapin, this festival pays tribute to not only classical music but also features performances rooted in Russian Folk traditions. It serves as a platform for both established and emerging artists to share their interpretations of the genre, promoting the cultural heritage of Russian Folk music.

      Additionally, the "Interfolk in Russia", a international festival celebrates folk music and dance, offering a diverse range of performances that highlight the folk traditions of Russia and other countries. It serves as a melting pot of cultures, fostering cross-cultural exchange and showcasing the rich tapestry of Russian Folk music alongside global folk traditions.

      These events provide an opportunity for audiences to experience the rich cultural heritage of Russian Folk music and dance.