Rock In Bourlon
Rock In Bourlon

Rock In Bourlon

FRA, BourlonLocation
Metal, Rock

Most Popular Artists Performing At Rock In Bourlon Over The Years

All Them Witches

USARockStoner Rock
All Them Witches
All Them Witches
USAStoner Rock

Corrosion Of Conformity

USAMetalAlternative Metal
Corrosion Of Conformity
Corrosion Of Conformity
USAAlternative Metal


BELRockAlternative Rock
BELAlternative Rock


USAMetalDoom/Sludge Metal
USADoom/Sludge Metal

Full Of Hell

Full Of Hell
Full Of Hell

Highlights at Rock In Bourlon 5

Field festival
Field festival
Chill zone
Chill zone
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Rock In Bourlon Amenities

    Rock In Bourlon Accommodation

    More about Rock In Bourlon

    Overview of France based music festival Rock In Bourlon

    Annually, the village of Bourlon in northern France hosts the metal music event Rock In Bourlon. The three-day festival is renowned for its exciting ambiance and features the top metal music from both domestic and foreign musicians. Heavy metal subgenres as death metal, thrash metal, black metal, and others are featured during the festival.

    Some of the biggest names in the metal world, including Slayer, Iron Maiden, and Slipknot, were on the festival's list. Along with the music, Rock In Bourlon offers metal fans a distinctive experience with its camping areas, food vendors, and merchandise booths. Every metalhead should go to the festival because of the enthusiastic and raucous atmosphere it has developed. One of the best metal festivals in France without a doubt is Rock In Bourlon, with its stellar lineup and unique vibe.

    What is the Rock In Bourlon location and date?

    Prepare to rock out at the next Rock In Bourlon Metal music festival! This festival will be held in the lovely French village of Bourlon from June 23 to June 25 of 2023. This festival promises to be an amazing experience for all guests with a program that includes some of the biggest names in Metal music.

    This festival offers the ideal chance for fans of Metal music to unite and share their passion for the genre by head-banging and moshing. Fans can anticipate a weekend filled with outstanding acts, unrelenting energy, and the opportunity to make lifelong memories because the festival's earliest date is 2023. Get your tickets now and get ready to rock if you don't want to miss this incredible festival!

    Which top musicians performed on the Rock In Bourlon lineup?

    The popular metal music festival Rock In Bourlon, which takes place annually in France, attracted throngs of ardent metalheads from all over the world to its most recent iteration. The event featured a variety of outstanding performances by some of the most well-known artists in the genre. Metal icons like Corrosion Of Conformity, Eyehategod, and Weedeater were among them, and they all gave fantastic performances that left the audience in awe.

    Rising talents from the event included Brutus and SLIFT, whose compelling performances on the main stage demonstrated their value. Other headlining acts that rocked the festival included All Them Witches, Full Of Hell, Mars Red Sky, Earthless, and Monolord, each bringing their own distinct sound and style to the stage.

    The event was a celebration of the variety and originality of the metal genre, and the performances proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that metal is still very much a force in the music industry. The upcoming Rock In Bourlon event is unquestionably not one to be missed by anyone who missed the first one.

    Where can festival goers purchase Rock In Bourlon tickets?

    The official website of the Metal music festival Rock In Bourlon,, offers online ticket sales for the event. On the website, festival attendees can choose their preferred ticket type and finish the transaction safely. For the most recent information on ticket availability and costs, see the festival's website.

    Which addtional highlights and amenities define the music festival Rock In Bourlon?

    Beyond the music, Rock In Bourlon, a metal music event in France, provides a variety of activities for attendees. For those who want to get the most out of their festival experience, camping is an option. There are several alternatives to select from, including pre-pitched tents and luxurious glamping accommodations.

    Sports events like football and volleyball are available for festival attendees who wish to stay active. Alternately, gamers can compete in tournaments and events alongside other festival attendees, enjoying the rush of competition in a special setting.

    The chill zone is a place where festival goers can unwind with a range of activities like yoga and meditation if they want a more laid-back experience. The calm zone is a fantastic location to socialize, make new friends, and escape the festival's energy.

    Overall, Rock In Bourlon offers a diverse festival experience that meets a variety of interests and requirements. Attendees of the festival can take part in a wide number of different activities in addition to taking in the music, making the experience memorable.

    What do people also ask about Rock In Bourlon?