Zo Tobi
Zo Tobi

Zo Tobi

USARock, Folk Rock
219 monthly listeners
  • 180 subscribers
  • 10 fans

Zo Tobi's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Small Sweet Step
74 streams
Artist Name
Show Me the Song
59 streams
Artist Name
Blessed Unrest
22 streams
Artist Name
Welcome! Welcome!
10 streams
Artist Name
Hope with Our Hands
10 streams
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week

Hope with Our Hands

Zo Tobi, Thrive Choir
Streams last week
Streams last week

In Their Time

Zo Tobi
Streams last week

Hope with Our Hands (A Cappella)

Zo Tobi, Thrive Choir
Streams last week

Hope with Our Hands (Acoustic)

Zo Tobi, Thrive Choir

Zo Tobi's YouTube Videos

Zo Tobi - Blessed Unrest (official lyric video)
Sep 19, 2019

Zo Tobi - Blessed Unrest (artwork video + song lyrics)

Zo Tobi

Zo Tobi - Blessed Unrest (artwork video + song lyrics)
Jul 08, 2018
Zo Tobi - Small Sweet Step (official lyric video)
Dec 05, 2019

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More about Zo Tobi

Overview of Folk Rock musician Zo Tobi

Zo Tobi, a skilled musician from Oakland, California, has had a big impact on the rock and folk rock genres. Zo Tobi's music is a mesmerizing trip through feelings and experiences, with a distinctive sound that masterfully combines the raw energy of rock with the genuine storytelling of folk.

Infusing his music with lush melodies and thought-provoking lyrics that connect with listeners on a deep level, Zo Tobi draws inspiration from artists like Bob Dylan and Neil Young. His skill as a songwriter is demonstrated by his capacity to write songs that are both contemplative and relatable.

From the anthemic fervor of rock to the contemplative and meditative tone of folk, Zo Tobi's music elicits a variety of emotions. His dynamic guitar playing and strong vocals combine to provide for an exciting listening experience.

Zo Tobi has made a name for himself in the music industry with his distinctive fusion of rock and folk. His music connects to the shared human experience and transcends boundaries. Zo Tobi's enthusiasm and genuineness shine through whether he performs in small settings or on bigger stages, creating a lasting impression on everyone who has the privilege of witnessing his artistry.

What are the most popular songs for Folk Rock musician Zo Tobi?

The folk rock artist Zo Tobi from Oakland, California, has mesmerized audiences with their soul-stirring songs. With its heartbreaking lyrics and sympathetic melody, "Small Sweet Step" stands out among their most well-known songs. Another song that is a hit with the crowd is "Blessed Unrest," which demonstrates Zo Tobi's skill at expertly fusing folk and rock elements. Listeners are also greatly affected by "Show Me the Song"'s engaging beat and reflective lyrics.

The music of Zo Tobi is renowned for its capacity to stir up feelings and provoke reflection. Powerful song "Hope with Our Hands" promotes cooperation and group effort. The acoustic perfection of "Only Thankfulness" lends the artist's catalog a hint of vulnerability. With its contagious exuberance, "Welcome! Welcome!" entices listeners into Zo Tobi's musical universe.

Other noteworthy songs include "Chosen," "In Their Time," and "Why Did We Awaken." These tracks all display Zo Tobi's distinctive artistic style and their capacity to create engaging storylines through their music. The reflective ballads or the upbeat anthems, Zo Tobi's music has a way of connecting with listeners and making an impression that lasts.

With their skill at fusing folk and rock influences, Zo Tobi has produced music that is both engrossing and stimulating. Their best songs are proof of their ability to make music that touches listeners' souls and leaves them wanting more.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Folk Rock musician Zo Tobi?

The great musician Zo Tobi, who is from Oakland, California, has been enthralling audiences with their most recent songs and music albums. A compelling and revitalizing sound is produced by their original fusion of the Rock and Folk Rock genres that connects with listeners. Let's investigate their most recent musical output.

The most recent single by Zo Tobi is "Hope with Our Hands (2022)". This song demonstrates their talent for writing stirring words that are supported by an exciting musical arrangement. The song stands out in their discography thanks to its contagious melody and provocative message.

The song "Welcome! Welcome! (2021)" is another noteworthy single. This song showcases Zo Tobi's musical range with its appealing hooks and upbeat instrumentals. The upbeat and anthemic tone of the song is certain to make an impression on listeners.

The albums "Small Sweet Step" and "Blessed Unrest: A Soundtrack for Social Change" by Zo Tobi, in addition to their most recent singles, were released in 2015 and 2013, respectively. These CDs further demonstrate their talent and dedication to making music that is both meaningful and socially sensitive.

Rock and Folk Rock elements may be incorporated into Zo Tobi's music without any difficulty, creating a compelling and thought-provoking sound. They keep pushing boundaries and captivating fans around the world with their most recent hits and albums.

No matter if you prefer Rock or Folk Rock music, you should definitely check out Zo Tobi's most recent songs and music albums. They are a band to watch in the music industry because of their distinctive sound and potent lyrics, which are sure to have an impression on listeners.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Folk Rock musician Zo Tobi?

The song "Hope with Our Hands" with Thrive Choir is one of Zo Tobi's most significant musical collaborations. Zo Tobi is a Rock and Folk Rock musician from Oakland, California. Through this partnership, the distinctive musical style of Zo Tobi and the potent vocal harmonies of Thrive Choir are brought together. The song demonstrates their talent for writing a fascinating, moving tune that connects with listeners. The partnership between Zo Tobi and Thrive Choir is evidence of their shared love for making uplifting, meaningful music.

Thrive Choir and Zo Tobi's collaboration on the song "Hope with Our Hands" is another noteworthy one. Through this collaboration, Zo Tobi demonstrates his talent for fusing the passionate and energetic vocals of Thrive Choir with his own rock and folk rock sound. The song is a masterful fusion of Thrive Choir's potent harmonies with the melancholy lyrics of Zo Tobi, making for a very compelling and moving listening experience. This collaboration demonstrates the musical chemistry between Zo Tobi and Thrive Choir as well as their capacity to make music that resonates with listeners.

In conclusion, the recording of "Hope with Our Hands" by Zo Tobi and Thrive Choir stands out as one of Zo Tobi's most significant musical collaborations. Their ability to make music that has an emotional impact and connects with listeners is demonstrated by their partnership. Thrive Choir's strong vocals and Zo Tobi's distinctive musical approach combine to produce an enthralling and unforgettable listening experience.