

BRARock, Indie Rock
577 monthly listeners
  • 418 subscribers
  • 599 fans

Variantes's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
É Sempre Nós
1.1K streams
Artist Name
Tudo Acontece
175 streams
Artist Name
Eu Quero Tudo
129 streams
Artist Name
77 streams
Artist Name
Presença Plena
68 streams
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Variantes's YouTube Videos

VARIANTES - Eu quero tudo
Aug 30, 2012
variantes - chegou a hora
Nov 02, 2011

Variantes O Moderno é o 50tão (Videoclipe)


Variantes O Moderno é o 50tão (Videoclipe)
Mar 20, 2009

Variantes's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
Alternative Rock
by Spotify

Events2 Events

Grito da Terra Rock Festival
, ArabutãN/A N/A
Goiânia Noise Festival
, GoiâniaN/A N/A

Variantes's Past Events2 Events

  • Grito da Terra Rock Festival festival

    Glue Trip, Mulamba, Ave Sangria, Picanha de Chernobill, BIKE, Carlota Joaquina, Variantes, Não Alimente os Animais, two step flow, Mar de Marte, The Experience Nebula Room, Pevê, Pepe Mujica Band
    BRA, Arabutã
  • Goiânia Noise Festival festival

    Supla, Toy Dolls, Mundo Livre S/A, Aurora Rules, Machete Bomb, Cérebro De Galinha, Macakongs 2099, The Bombers, Translucido, Variantes, Corja, Linguachula, The Galo Power, Sheena Ye, Desert Crows, Diego Mascate, Blowdrivers, Ressonância Mórfica, Drakula, Krakkenspit, Urumbeta do Espaço, Half Bridge, Mugo, Sixxen, Rural Killers, Templates, Volupia de Baco, Casulo Fantasma, Bad Distortion, Lobinho e os 3 Porcão, Don Dillinger, Distorce, PUS, Ilizarov
    BRA, Goiânia

More about Variantes

Overview of Indie Rock musician Variantes

Variantes is a captivating performer with a strong foundation in the world of rock, more specifically the subgenre of indie rock. She hails from the thriving rock scene of Chapeco, Brazil. This Brazilian musician has made a name for themselves in the music business with a distinctive voice that reverberates with both passion and authenticity.

Variantes' distinctive brand of contemplation and defiance is infused throughout their music, which draws inspiration from the raw intensity of rock. With deeply felt lyrics that explore the depths of the human experience, their songs take the listener on a mesmerizing trip. Gritty guitar riffs, throbbing rhythms, and potent vocals are skillfully woven together by Variantes to produce an arresting and compelling aural world.

Variantes stands out as a true force to be reckoned with in the world of indie music. They stand out from their contemporaries thanks to their ability to adroitly combine elements of alternative rock, post-punk, and pop sensibilities. Variantes takes listeners on aural journeys with each song, leaving them wanting more. Their music is a monument to rock's strength, demonstrating the genre's capacity to elicit a wide range of emotions and establish deep connections with listeners.

To sum up, Variantes is a rock musician who captures the actual spirit of the genre. They are an indie rock sensation from Chapeco, Brazil. Variantes has established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry thanks to their distinctive sound and moving lyrics. Their music captivates audiences with a special fusion of reflection and revolt, leaving them enthralled and craving more. Without a doubt, Variantes is a rising star in the world of rock, and they have significantly and inspirationally contributed to the genre.

What are the most popular songs for Indie Rock musician Variantes?

The Chapeco, Brazil-based indie rock band Variantes has become well-known for their distinctive sound and alluring lyrics. The raw energy and contagious melodies in their music connect with listeners and captivate them. They are most known for their songs "Eu Quero Tudo," "Tudo Acontece," and "Diziam Que."

"Eu Quero Tudo" demonstrates Variantes' talent for fusing memorable guitar riffs with forceful vocals to produce a catchy chorus with a strong emotional impact. "Tudo Acontece," another great piece, exemplifies the band's diversity and capacity to compose moving and thought-provoking music. With songs like "Diziam Que," Variantes demonstrates their ability to incorporate nostalgia into their music while yet making it sound current and relevant.

Other well-known songs by the group, like "Pense ao Contrario," "Belladonna," and "Chegou A Hora," further demonstrate their skill at creating catchy and compelling music. Listeners won't get bored of Variantes' sound because each track offers a distinctive aural experience. The songs "Presenca Plena," "Descontrole," "Vontade nos Dentes," and "Malicia" also demonstrate the band's aptitude for writing music that connects with listeners.

The variantes' love of rock and indie rock is evident in their music. Their songs have gained popularity not just in Chapeco, where they were born and raised, but also beyond, winning the hearts of music fans everywhere. Variantes have established themselves as a leading force in the indie rock industry thanks to their unique aesthetic and constant commitment to their craft.

In conclusion, Variantes' best songs, like "Eu Quero Tudo," "Tudo Acontece," and "Diziam Que," demonstrate their talent for writing enthralling and unforgettable music. They are well-known in Brazil and elsewhere for their distinctive fusion of indie rock and unbridled energy. Variantes keeps enthralling audiences with songs like "Pense ao Contrario," "Belladonna," and "Chegou A Hora," all of which have catchy tunes and stirring lyrics. Their love of rock and indie rock is evident in their music, which also solidifies their position in the music industry.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Indie Rock musician Variantes?

With the release of their most recent album, "Pra Variar," in 2018, the Chapeco, Brazil-based rock and indie rock band Variantes has been making waves in the music industry. This album captures listeners' attention with its wide variety of songs while showcasing its distinctive style and musical innovation. Variantes offers a captivating musical experience, ranging from upbeat rock anthems to reflective indie rock tunes.

Their most recent song, "Variantes," which was released in 2023, enhances their reputation as a gifted and creative musician. This song demonstrates their skill in fusing several genres together naturally to produce a catchy sound that hooks listeners from the beginning to the end. "Variantes" is a testament to the band's musical ability with its appealing hooks and contagious rhythms.

The 2022 song "Pense ao Contrario" is another noteworthy example of Variantes' talent for writing reflective and thought-provoking lyrics. This song explores the intricacies of life and challenges listeners' preconceived notions. "Pense ao Contrario" is one of their best songs, with entrancing melodies and stirring vocals.

Additionally, Variantes' 2018 song "Presenca Plena" is a remarkable one. Rock and indie rock components are combined in this song to make a dynamic and interesting listening experience. "Presenca Plena" is a remarkable example of Variantes' ability to express real emotions via music, both in terms of its intense orchestration and its emotional lyrics.

Overall, the most recent music by Variantes, a rock and indie rock band from Chapeco, Brazil, shows their talent and diversity. Variantes continue to attract listeners and establish themselves as a major force in the music industry because to their distinctive sound and fascinating performances.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Indie Rock musician Variantes?

The Chapeco, Brazil-born rock and indie rock musician Variantes has performed at some of the most significant music events and festivals. Among them, the Grito do Terra Rock Festival and Goiania Noise Festival stand out as outstanding venues for showing his abilities and engaging with fans.

Variantes released his electric energy during the Goiania Noise Festival, impressing the crowd with his forceful and visceral performances. His distinct fusion of rock and indie rock sounds resonated through the crowd beautifully throughout the festival, making a lasting impression on everyone who saw him perform.

The appearance of Variantes at the Grito da Terra Rock Festival is also noteworthy. He dominated the stage with his catchy melodies and insightful words, leaving the audience in awe of his musical skills. The festival's lively environment and fervent crowd provided the ideal setting for Variantes to make a lasting impact.

Variantes has left his impact on the music world by performing at a variety of additional locations and events in addition to these well-known ones. One thing never changes, regardless of the specifics: His capacity to wow audiences with his dramatic performances and distinctive sound.

Overall, Variantes has cemented his reputation as a formidable force in the rock and indie rock genres through his musical performances and festival appearances. Each performance he gives demonstrates his talent and command of the stage, leaving spectators wanting more.