Sunshine Nights
Sunshine Nights

Sunshine Nights

USACountry, Americana/Alt Country
23 monthly listeners
  • 127 subscribers
  • 15 fans

Sunshine Nights's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Bread Jar
1 streams
Artist Name
Everybody's Crazy 'Bout the Doggone Blues but I'm Happy
N/A streams
Artist Name
Masterpiece of Mud
N/A streams
Artist Name
The Things That Harm Me
N/A streams
Artist Name
New Colossus
N/A streams
Streams last week
Streams last week

Everybody's Crazy 'Bout the Doggone Blues but I'm Happy

Sunshine Nights
Streams last week

Masterpiece of Mud

Sunshine Nights
Streams last week

The Things That Harm Me

Sunshine Nights
Streams last week
Streams last week

A Thousand Love Songs

Sunshine Nights
Streams last week

Dry Eyed Tampa

Sunshine Nights
Streams last week

Long Sweet Helen

Sunshine Nights
Streams last week


Sunshine Nights
Streams last week

Your Next Big Thing

Sunshine Nights

Sunshine Nights's YouTube Videos


“New Colossus” Sunshine Nights (Official music video)

Sunshine Nights

“New Colossus” Sunshine Nights (Official music video)
Sep 29, 2019

Billie, Sunshine Nights Live At The Bitter End. March 29th 2019

Sunshine Nights

Billie, Sunshine Nights Live At The Bitter End. March 29th 2019
May 27, 2019

Bowl O' Cherries: Sunshine and the Knights official music video

Sunshine Nights

Bowl O' Cherries: Sunshine and the Knights official music video
Jan 27, 2015

Events12 Events

Sunshine Nights at Mercury Lounge
United States
, New York0 - 500 Club
Sunshine Nights at Sunday Brunch Farmers Market
United States
, Cayce0 - 500 Public / Outdoor
Sunshine Nights at Fish
United States
, Cayce0 - 500 Bar
Sunshine Nights at Fish
United States
, Cayce0 - 500 Bar
Sunshine Nights at Simple Pleasures Cafe
United States
, San Francisco0 - 500 Bar

Sunshine Nights's Past Events12 Events

  • Sunshine Nights at Mercury Lounge

    Sunshine Nights
    Mercury Lounge
    USA, New York
    Club0 - 500
  • Sunshine Nights at Sunday Brunch Farmers Market

    Sunshine Nights
    Sunday Brunch Farmers Market
    USA, Cayce
    Public / Outdoor0 - 500
  • Sunshine Nights at Fish

    Sunshine Nights
    USA, Cayce
    Bar0 - 500
  • Sunshine Nights at Fish

    Sunshine Nights
    USA, Cayce
    Bar0 - 500
  • Sunshine Nights at Simple Pleasures Cafe

    Sunshine Nights
    Simple Pleasures Cafe
    USA, San Francisco
    Bar0 - 500

More about Sunshine Nights

Overview of Americana/Alt Country musician Sunshine Nights

Sunshine Nights, hailing from Brooklyn, United States, is a captivating musician who effortlessly blends the genres of Country and Americana/Alt Country. With a unique sound that resonates with audiences from all walks of life, Sunshine Nights brings a refreshing and emotive touch to the music scene.

Known for their heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies, Sunshine Nights captures the essence of the American spirit in their music. Their country-infused sound is rooted in rich storytelling and authentic experiences, painting vivid pictures of love, loss, and the trials and triumphs of everyday life.

Drawing inspiration from the greats of country music, Sunshine Nights infuses their own modern twist, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and contemporary. Their ability to craft melodies that tug at the heartstrings is truly remarkable, leaving listeners with an undeniable emotional connection to their music.

Incorporating elements of Americana and Alt Country, Sunshine Nights brings a fresh perspective to the genre, pushing boundaries and exploring new sonic territories. Their music is a reflection of life's ups and downs, capturing the raw emotions that come with navigating the complexities of the human experience.

With their infectious energy and undeniable talent, Sunshine Nights has carved out a unique space in the country music landscape. Their music is a testament to the power of storytelling and the ability of music to evoke deep emotions within the listener.

In conclusion, Sunshine Nights is a force to be reckoned with in the country and Americana/Alt Country music scene. With their heartfelt lyrics, soulful melodies, and captivating performances, they continue to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact. Keep an eye out for this talented musician as they continue to shine brightly in the music industry.

What are the most popular songs for Americana/Alt Country musician Sunshine Nights?

Sunshine Nights is a Country and Americana/Alt Country performer from Brooklyn, New York. Some of their best songs include "Bread Jar," "New Colossus," and "Billie." These songs demonstrate Sunshine Nights' talent for fusing classic country components with cutting-edge elements. Sunshine Nights' distinctive sound captivates listeners with its catchy melodies and moving words.

Sunshine Nights' "Piss Off Donald" is another outstanding song that loudly expresses their political viewpoint. The song has a strong message and demonstrates the musician's readiness to address current topics in their music. The song "And Here We Go" is an upbeat and spirited anthem that inspires the audience to sing along to the catchy hooks and contagious rhythm.

From Sunshine Nights, other noteworthy songs include "Down on the G," "A Thousand Love Songs," "Soldier Notorious," and "Moonbeam Days." While maintaining the distinctive sound of Sunshine Nights, each song has its own unique taste. Sunshine Nights are still able to hold listeners' attention with their fascinating lyrics and appealing melodies in the country and Americana/Alt Country music scenes.

In conclusion, the Brooklyn-based musician Sunshine Nights has become well-known thanks to hits including "Bread Jar," "New Colossus," and "Billie." Listeners have connected with their distinctive fusion of country, Americana/Alt Country influences, and meaningful lyrics. Sunshine Nights is a musician in the music industry to keep an eye on, with a variety of catchy and thought-provoking tracks.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Americana/Alt Country musician Sunshine Nights?

Sunshine Nights, a country and Americana/alt country musician based in Brooklyn, has gained popularity with their most recent singles and albums. Their 2022 release of "The Butterfly Web," their most recent album, exemplifies their distinctive fusion of beautiful songs and poignant narration. With songs like "Bread Jar," the group enthralls listeners with their catchy rhythms and reflective lyrics.

Sunshine Nights has not only launched their most recent album but also a number of catchy songs. Among their notable releases are "The Amplifier" from 2020 and "Crown Heights" and "Soldier Notorious" from 2018. These hits highlight the group's ability to write songs that appeal to a broad listenership by fusing parts of classic Country music with modern sensibilities.

The moving words, heartfelt performances, and genuine storytelling that define Sunshine Nights' sound. Their poignant and realistic stories captivate listeners as they delve into topics of love, grief, and personal development in many of their songs. The group is unique due to its Americana/Alt Country style, which gives their songs a timeless appeal to listeners of different genres.

Sunshine Nights keeps making waves in the Americana/Alt Country and Country music scenes with their most recent singles and albums. Every song demonstrates their commitment to writing sincere and engrossing music, leaving listeners excited to hear what they will come up with next.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Americana/Alt Country musician Sunshine Nights?

Sunshine Nights, the Country and Americana/Alt Country musician hailing from Brooklyn, United States, has graced various venues and festivals with their soulful performances. Among their notable appearances, the Mercury Lounge stands out as a pivotal venue in their career. The intimate setting allowed the audience to connect deeply with Sunshine Nights' heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies. Another noteworthy performance took place at Arnold's Bar & Grille, where the band's raw energy and authentic sound resonated with the crowd, leaving a lasting impression.

In addition to these venues, Sunshine Nights has also captivated audiences at Thee Parkside, Tiki Hut, and Fish, where their unique blend of country and Americana music created an unforgettable atmosphere. These venues provided the perfect backdrop for Sunshine Nights to showcase their talent and connect with fans on a personal level.

When it comes to festivals, Sunshine Nights has been a sought-after act. They have graced the stages of renowned events such as the Americana Music Festival and the Brooklyn Country Music Festival, where they shared their music with a diverse range of music enthusiasts. These festival appearances allowed Sunshine Nights to expand their fanbase and solidify their presence in the country and Americana music scene.

Overall, Sunshine Nights has had an impressive journey, with their performances at the Mercury Lounge and Arnold's Bar & Grille standing out as pivotal moments in their career. Their participation in various festivals has also contributed to their growing popularity and recognition within the music industry. Sunshine Nights continues to captivate audiences with their authentic sound and heartfelt performances, leaving an indelible mark wherever they go.