Sepand Dadbeh
Sepand Dadbeh

Sepand Dadbeh

IRNMiddle Eastern, Iranian Folk
14 monthly listeners
  • 86 subscribers

Sepand Dadbeh's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
First Chapter: The Holy Grail and the Story of the Simorgh
N/A streams
Artist Name
Fire Temple
N/A streams
Artist Name
Second Chapter: The Birds looking for the Garden of Happiness
N/A streams
Artist Name
Fourth Chapter: The Subterranean of Kay-Khosrow
N/A streams
Artist Name
Third Chapter: The Seven Cities of Love
N/A streams
Streams last week

First Chapter: The Holy Grail and the Story of the Simorgh

Sepand Dadbeh
Streams last week

Fire Temple

Sepand Dadbeh
Streams last week

Second Chapter: The Birds looking for the Garden of Happiness

Sepand Dadbeh
Streams last week

Fourth Chapter: The Subterranean of Kay-Khosrow

Sepand Dadbeh
Streams last week

Third Chapter: The Seven Cities of Love

Sepand Dadbeh

Sepand Dadbeh's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

Events1 Event

Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival
, RotterdamN/A N/A

Sepand Dadbeh's Past Events1 Event

  • Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival festival

    Douwe Bob, The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, Bella White, Scott H. Biram, Bertolf, Della Mae, Baptiste W. Hamon, Theo Lawrence, Moonshine Wagon, Cordovas, Hola Ghost, Michael Daves, Abe Partridge, Hassan Wargui, Jacob Jolliff, Aaron Jonah Lewis, Blue Grass Boogiemen, MADALITSO BAND, Fog Holler, The Ragtime Rumours, Strengeplukk, Li'l Andy, Khorshid Dadbeh, Teilhard Frost, The Truffle Valley Boys, Leadbeaters, The Bluegrass Bandits, The Wanton String Band, Sepand Dadbeh, Rosine Bluegrass Family, Long Way Home Duo, Herman Brock Jr., Bashed Potatoes, The Shiny Moonlit Boys, DJ Wim Behre, Austin Derryberry, Nice Like That
    NLD, Rotterdam

More about Sepand Dadbeh

Overview of Iranian Folk musician Sepand Dadbeh

Iranian-born musician Sepand Dadbeh is a great musician from the Middle East. Dadbeh's distinctive style, which primarily focuses on Middle Eastern music, delves deeply into the Iranian Folk subgenre. His music is a captivating fusion of modern elements and traditional Iranian melodies, giving listeners a truly enchanted experience.

Every note played by Dadbeh on the santur, a traditional Persian instrument, displays his mastery of it. With Dadbeh's expressive playing and the santur's delicate and eerie sound, audiences are transported to the Middle East, experiencing everything from joy to melancholy. His music exemplifies the beauty of Iranian folk music and pays homage to Iran's rich cultural heritage.

Dadbeh's works are a reflection of his deep connection to his heritage and his passion to preserving and promoting Middle Eastern and Iranian Folk music. His tunes are complex and soul-stirring, combining complex rhythms and alluring harmonies. Through his music, Dadbeh recounts stories of love, longing, and the human experience, drawing listeners into a realm of emotion and nostalgia.

In essence, Sepand Dadbeh is a brilliant Middle Eastern artist from Iran, whose investigation of Iranian Folk music through the santur is both engaging and evocative. His passion to his profession is visible in every note he plays, and his music is a monument to the beauty and depth of Middle Eastern and Iranian culture. Sepand Dadbeh's compositions are a true gift to the world of music, taking listeners to a place where history and creativity mix perfectly.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Iranian Folk musician Sepand Dadbeh?

Iran-born Middle Eastern folk musician Sepand Dadbeh just released his most recent CD, "Night in Neyshabur (2022)". His distinctive fusion of modern and traditional Iranian folk music is on display in this album, which offers listeners an engrossing and deeply moving musical experience. Sepand Dadbeh's ability to blend contemporary sounds with his cultural heritage while maintaining a strong connection to it is evident in his songs.

Dadbeh has released a captivating single called "Fire Temple - Khosrow & Shirin (2023)" in addition to his album. This song weaves a musical tale of passion and love that takes listeners back to ancient Persia. The song displays Dadbeh's extraordinary musical talent and perfectly encapsulates the spirit of Iranian folk music with its captivating melodies and moving lyrics.

Sepand Dadbeh is still a well-known name in Middle Eastern music because to his most recent releases. His ability to expertly combine modern and traditional sounds results in a distinctive soundscape that is appealing to a broad spectrum of listeners. Dadbeh honors his cultural background via his music while also elevating it to a prominent position in the international music arena.

Finally, Sepand Dadbeh's most recent musical creations, the album "Night in Neyshabur (2022)" and the single "Fire Temple - Khosrow & Shirin (2023)", showcase his skill as an artist and his commitment to resurrecting Iranian folk music. His ability to craft engrossing and culturally rich musical experiences is demonstrated by these recordings. Audiences who enjoy Middle Eastern and Persian folk music will surely find Dadbeh's most recent releases captivating.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Iranian Folk musician Sepand Dadbeh?

Sepand Dadbeh, a talented Middle Eastern, Iranian Folk music musician from Iran, has graced numerous venues and festivals with his captivating performances. One notable festival appearance was at the Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival, where Dadbeh showcased his unique blend of traditional Iranian folk music with elements of bluegrass. His performance left the audience mesmerized, as he effortlessly fused the soulful melodies of his homeland with the lively rhythms of bluegrass.

In addition to the Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival, Dadbeh has also performed at other prestigious venues and festivals, further establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. While specific details of each performance are not provided, it is evident that Dadbeh's talent and passion have earned him a well-deserved reputation as a captivating live performer.

Dadbeh's ability to bridge cultural gaps through his music is truly remarkable. His performances not only entertain but also serve as a testament to the power of music to transcend borders and bring people together. Whether he is performing at renowned festivals or intimate venues, Sepand Dadbeh continues to captivate audiences with his heartfelt performances, showcasing the beauty and richness of Middle Eastern and Iranian Folk music to the world.