Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma

CANPop, Mainstream Pop
4,149 monthly listeners
  • 991K subscribers

Robin Sharma's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Kapitel 1 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles möglich
400 streams
Artist Name
Phool Jhare Pani
338 streams
Artist Name
Kapitel 2 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles möglich
312 streams
Artist Name
Kapitel 3 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles möglich
299 streams
Artist Name
Kapitel 4 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles möglich
292 streams

Robin Sharma's YouTube Videos


6 Things I Wish I'd Learned At 20 | Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma

6 Things I Wish I'd Learned At 20 | Robin Sharma
May 29, 2019

A Method To x100 Your Productivity | Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma

A Method To x100 Your Productivity | Robin Sharma
Jul 20, 2016

How to Wake Up Early | Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma

How to Wake Up Early | Robin Sharma
Dec 04, 2013

Robin Sharma's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

More about Robin Sharma

Overview of Mainstream Pop musician Robin Sharma

Toronto-born Canadian pop artist Robin Sharma is from Canada. Sharma has developed a track record as a Mainstream Pop singer for writing catchy, energetic songs that exhibit his distinctive musical aesthetic. He has captured audiences all over the world and amassed a devoted fan base because to his contagious melodies, moving lyrics, and dynamic vocal range.

Sharma is known for his smooth production, radio-friendly tunes, and catchy choruses. His compositions frequently address themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery, combining accessible lyrics and enduring melodies to make an emotional connection with listeners. Sharma's enthusiasm and love for music shine through in every note he plays and sings, whether he is performing live or in the studio.

Overall, Robin Sharma is one of Canada's most exciting Pop artists and is a gifted and diverse musician. He is set to continue captivating audiences and creating waves in the music business for years to come with his contagious sound and impassioned performances.

What are the most popular songs for Mainstream Pop musician Robin Sharma?

Canadian musician Robin Sharma, a native of Toronto, has established himself in the Pop and Mainstream Pop music scenes. His most well-known songs include "Kapitel 1 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles moglich", "Kapitel 2 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles moglich", "Kapitel 3 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles moglich", and more.

Robin Sharma is known for his ability to combine peppy melodies and appealing sounds with thought-provoking lyrics. For people seeking music that is both enjoyable and meaningful, his songs are ideal. The encouraging message of "Kapitel 1 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles moglich" is a perfect illustration of this. It stresses the importance of getting a head start on the day and putting oneself in the best possible position for success.

Robin Sharma has also demonstrated a strong talent for teamwork, collaborating with other gifted musicians to produce songs that are both distinctive and unforgettable. Some of his most well-known songs, such as "Kapitel 10 - Der 5-Uhr-Club - Gestalte deinen Morgen und in deinem Leben wird alles moglich," were produced as a result of his collaborations with other musicians. All things considered, Robin Sharma's music is a fantastic option for anyone looking for memorable, thought-provoking Pop music that will keep them interested and delighted.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Mainstream Pop musician Robin Sharma?

The Toronto-based Canadian pop musician Robin Sharma has recently put out a number of albums and singles. Next year will see the release of his most recent album, "Aabhash (2023)". Fans are eagerly awaiting the album's release even if there isn't much information yet.

"Mahamrityunjay Mantra (2021)," Sharma's most recent single, was released earlier this year. The song features a beautiful music video and is a potent chant that invokes the blessings of Lord Shiva. Fans have also enjoyed Sharma's previous singles, "Maa Sherawaliye (2019)," "Bhole Da Damroo (2017)," and "Begana Mulak (2016)."

Sharma is not just a successful musician but also a well-known author and public speaker. His book "The 5 AM Club" was a best-seller in multiple nations, and he has inspired millions of people worldwide with his presentations on leadership and personal development.

Overall, Robin Sharma's soulful music and motivational speeches continue to enthrall his audience. We can only anticipate what he has in store for us in the future while waiting.

What do people also ask about Mainstream Pop musician Robin Sharma?

How old is Robin Sharma?

58 years (June 16, 1964)

Is Robin Sharma a millionaire?

Robin Sharma has a net worth of $10 million.

What is Robin Sharma doing now?

His work focuses on assisting others in bettering their lives, and he established The Robin Sharma Foundation for Children as a philanthropic organization to assist underprivileged children.

Is Robin Sharma vegetarian?

I have actually gone vegan and vegetarian numerous times during my life, and each time I did, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my health and energy levels—as long as I avoided using grains as a substitute.

Why Robin Sharma wrote The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari?

Robin Sharma, who left his work as a litigation attorney at the age of 25, based the book on his own experiences.

What is Robin Sharma doing?

Robin Sharma is devoted to helping human beings realize their native gifts.

When did Robin Sharma born?

June 16, 1964 (age 58 years), Port Hawkesbury, Canada.

What is the personality of Robin Sharma?

Expert in personal management and well-known speaker Robin Sharma motivates people and groups all over the world to live as leaders and realize their full potential.

Which is the most sold book of Robin Sharma?

Discover Your Destiny + Who Will Cry When You Die + The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (Set of 3 Books) is Robin Sharma's best-selling book.