Push Push
Push Push

Push Push

USAHip Hop, Alternative Hip Hop
347 monthly listeners
  • 107 fans

Push Push's Top Spotify Songs

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50 streams
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25 streams
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22 streams
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Front Door
17 streams
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12 streams
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Push Push, Pussy Riot
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Push Push's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

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Women Rock
by Spotify
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Remixes 2024
by Spotify
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365 Fe*male MCs
by Spotify
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The Retaliators Soundtrack
by Spotify
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Political and Protest Songs
by Spotify

More about Push Push

Overview of Alternative Hip Hop musician Push Push

American rapper Push Push is a rising star in the Hip Hop community. She has fashioned out a unique sound that sets her apart from the competition thanks to the way in which she combines Alternative and Hip Hop elements. Push Push has captured audiences with her real and genuine approach to music thanks to her contagious energy and thought-provoking lyrics.

Push Push smoothly combines parts of Hip Hop with unusual sounds and melodies, drawing inspiration from a variety of musical styles. Her music challenges the current quo and pushes limits, making her a welcome and exciting addition to the Alternative Hip Hop scene. Push Push attracts attention and makes an impact on her listeners with her distinctive voice and engaging stage presence.

Push Push's music reflects her own experiences and feelings, which enables her to engage her listeners more deeply. Her songs address issues like love, self-discovery, and the difficulties of life with candor and insight. Each song is a trip that sends listeners on an emotional rollercoaster and leaves them wanting more.

Push Push stands out as a true original in a world overrun with cookie-cutter artists. Every note she plays reflects her love of music, and the caliber of her work reflects her commitment to her art. Push Push is a force to be reckoned with in the Hip Hop and Alternative music scenes with her avant-garde sound and unflinching honesty. Watch out for this budding star as she continues to stir things up and push the envelope for the genre.

What are the most popular songs for Alternative Hip Hop musician Push Push?

American alternative hip hop artist Push Push has been well-known for a few of their songs. Ones that come to mind are "Tops," "Shake Down," and "ACAB." These tracks exhibit Push Push's distinctive style and lyrical skill, enticing listeners with their catchy sounds and insightful lyrics.

With its memorable melodies and upbeat rhythm, "Shake Down" stands out and captivates listeners with its seductive groove. Meanwhile, "ACAB" explores more complex socioeconomic themes while highlighting the struggles encountered by underprivileged people through compelling storytelling. It is really impressive how Push Push manages to address societal issues while yet having a fascinating sound.

Other significant songs by Push Push include "Jesus Loves Me (We Approach an Understanding of Middle American Belief Systems)," "INB4," "Mother," "Confessions of a Bad Bitch," "Front Door," "Daggers," and "No Gods No Masters." The variety of flavors offered by each of these tracks demonstrates Push Push's artistry.

With their huge catalog of songs, Push Push has surely earned a name for themselves in the hip hop and alternative hip hop scenes. Fans all across the world continue to connect with their distinctive sound and thought-provoking lyrics, confirming their status as a rising star in the field. Push Push is destined to make a significant contribution to the genre with their entrancing sound.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Alternative Hip Hop musician Push Push?

With her most recent singles and music albums, American Hip Hop and Alternative Hip Hop performer Push Push has been making waves. "No Gods (2020)" is one of her most recent hits, a strong song that highlights her distinct style and lyrical skill. This song's popularity among music fans is unsurprising given its contagious beats and thought-provoking lyrics.

"Front Door (2020)" is a noteworthy track by Push Push as well. Her distinctive lyrical style and enticing melodies mix in this song to provide for an engrossing listening experience. This song demonstrates Push Push's smooth transition across genres as she skillfully combines aspects of Hip Hop and Alternative Hip Hop.

Push Push has released "ACAB (2020)" in addition to her most recent hits. This song tackles social issues with hard-hitting lyrics and strong instrumentals. Her ability to address delicate subjects while upholding her artistic integrity is demonstrated in this song.

In addition, Push Push published "Mother (2019)," a touching song that honors the powerful women in her life. This song demonstrates Push Push's range as an artist with its heartfelt lyrics and deep melody.

Overall, Push Push's most recent hits push the limits of Hip Hop and Alternative Hip Hop music. She differs from other musicians in the field with her ability to combine genres, address social concerns, and establish connections with audiences through her music. As she continues to establish herself in the music industry, keep a look out for her next releases.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Alternative Hip Hop musician Push Push?

American alternative hip hop musician Push Push has worked with a lot of accomplished professionals in the field. The "Tops" collaboration with Tommy Lee is one of the more prominent ones. Push Push's distinctive style and Tommy Lee's outstanding drumming abilities are combined in this collaboration to produce a vibrant and energizing composition that highlights both musicians' musical talents.

The song "Jesus Loves Me (We Approach an Understanding of Middle American Belief Systems)" by Madge and Moon Bounce is another noteworthy Push Push collaboration. Each artist contributes their own viewpoint to this collaboration, which explores the meeting point of religion and society. The outcome is a reflective and thought-provoking track that stretches the limits of alternative hip hop.

Even if every collaboration on the list is noteworthy, "Confessions of a Bad Bitch" ft. Fellatia G stands out. In this collaboration, Push Push and Fellatia G deliver strong lyrics that praise individuality and confidence while delving into topics of empowerment and self-expression. The song is a monument to the fortitude and tenacity of female musicians.

These partnerships demonstrate Push Push's versatility and drive to push boundaries by displaying their ability to collaborate with a wide range of artists and genres. Push Push keeps redefining the Alternative Hip Hop scene and making music that connects with audiences on a deeper level with each new partnership.