

USAJazz, Jazz Fusion
8,235 monthly listeners
  • 1.2K fans

Niacin's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Clean-up Crew - Instrumental
1.5K streams
Artist Name
Things Ain't Like They Used To Be
463 streams
Artist Name
No Man's Land - Instrumental
235 streams
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I Miss You (Like I Miss The Sun) - Instrumental
203 streams
Artist Name
Do A Little Dirty Work - Instrumental
179 streams
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Elbow Grease

Niacin, Billy Sheehan, Dennis Chambers, John Novello
Streams last week
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Niacin's Beatport Songs

Artist Name
Murda Style (Original Mix)
Released on Aug 26, 2022
Artist Name
508 Life In The City (Urban Jungle Mix)
Released on Dec 15, 2017
Artist Name
Pressure Drop (Original Mix)
Released on Jul 18, 2016
Artist Name
Overdose (Original Mix)
Released on Jul 18, 2016
Artist Name
Media Whore (Original Mix)
Released on Sep 26, 2012

Murda Style (Original Mix)


508 Life In The City (Urban Jungle Mix)


Pressure Drop (Original Mix)


Overdose (Original Mix)


Media Whore (Original Mix)


Skyes Edge (Original Mix)


Babylon Falling (Original Mix)


Ring My Bell (Original Mix)


Street Gangsta Music (Original Mix)


An Oxfd Sumting (Original Mix)


More about Niacin

Overview of Jazz Fusion musician Niacin

American Jazz Fusion band Niacin hails from the country. Their distinctive fusion of jazz, rock, and funk creates a sound that is simultaneously intricate and energizing in their songs. Each instrument in the band takes center stage at different moments in the songs, showcasing the talent and aptitude of each musician.

Their music is renowned for its complex melodies and pulsating rhythms, which are produced by utilizing challenging chord progressions and challenging rhythms. They are experts at improvisation, with each band member adding their own distinct tone to the final product. Each band member contributes to the creation of a sound that is bigger than the sum of its parts, making their music a monument to the value of teamwork.

If you like Jazz Fusion, you must listen to Niacin's music. They are one of the most intriguing bands in the genre right now thanks to their distinctive sound and creative approach to music. Their songs are genuine works of art that demonstrate the value of teamwork and originality.

What are the most popular songs for Jazz Fusion musician Niacin?

American Jazz Fusion group Niacin is renowned for their upbeat and intricate instrumental arrangements. One of their best songs is "Things Ain't Like They Used To Be", a dynamic and fast-paced number that demonstrates the group's technical prowess and precise musicianship. The catchy bassline and precise percussion of "Clean-up Crew - Instrumental" make it another great track.

Other noteworthy songs by Niacin include "Ratta McQue," a lively and cheerful song with a famous saxophone riff, and "Do a Little Dirty Work," a bluesy and soulful piece with a catchy melody. The band performs "Birdland," a jazz standard that was originally written by Joe Zawinul, in a brand-new and fascinating way.

"Club Soda" is a more relaxed and ambient song with a haunting melody, whereas "Nemesis" is a high-energy track with a driving beat and strong guitar solos. While "Klaghorn" is a sophisticated and intricate composition with a synthesis of various musical forms, "King Kong" is a strong and forceful track that highlights the band's rock inspirations. Last but not least, "No Man's Land - Instrumental" is an eerie, atmospheric song with a movie-like atmosphere.

The technical mastery, tight musicianship, and imaginative blending of several musical styles that define Niacin's work as a whole. Their best songs highlight their wide variety and vivacious energy, making them a distinctive band in the Jazz Fusion music genre.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Jazz Fusion musician Niacin?

The American jazz fusion group Niacin published their most recent album, "Krush," in 2013. The album's nine songs highlight the band's distinctive sound, which combines jazz and rock elements. With its fervent guitar riffs and pounding rhythm section, the album's opening track "Krushed" establishes the mood for the entire album. Other songs like "Bluesion" and "Pegasus" highlight the band's improvisational prowess and musical compatibility.

Niacin has a rich career that includes their 2003 live CD "Niacin Live! Blood Sweat and Beers" and their 2005 album "Organik," despite the fact that "Krush" is their most recent release. Tracks like "Elbow Grease" from "Organik" have a more experimental sound and include electronic elements into their jazz fusion sound. The album "Niacin Live! Blood Sweat and Beers" features guest appearances by Glenn Hughes and Billy Sheehan and captures the band's live intensity.

Overall, Niacin's discography demonstrates their aptitude for expertly fusing jazz and rock elements into a distinctive sound that has garnered them a devoted fan base. With its great energy and spectacular performances by the band, their most recent album "Krush" keeps acquiescing to praise. The sound of Niacin will appeal to both jazz fusion and rock music fans.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Jazz Fusion musician Niacin?

The American Jazz Fusion band Niacin has worked with other musicians on a number of noteworthy occasions. They worked together on some of their most significant songs, such as "Things Ain't Like They Used To Be," "Do a Little Dirty Work," "Ratta McQue," "Nemesis," and "Club Soda."

"Nemesis," a project they worked on together, featuring John Novello and Dennis Chambers. The song serves as a showcase for the band's dexterity, showcasing Chambers' drumming abilities and Novello's keyboard prowess. The end result is a multi-layered, intricate track that flawlessly balances the contributions of each artist.

"Club Soda," a noteworthy collaboration that also includes Novello and Chambers, is another example. The song is an upbeat, funk-infused ballad that demonstrates the band's skill at fusing various genres together. "Club Soda" is the ideal illustration of the band's Jazz Fusion style thanks to Chambers' proficient drumming, Novello's masterful keyboard work, and Billy Sheehan's sophisticated bass lines.

In conclusion, Niacin has worked with other musicians on a number of significant projects during their history. The songs "Nemesis" and "Club Soda" are only two examples of how well the band can write intricate, captivating music while showcasing the individual talents of each member. The band's commitment to pushing the frontiers of Jazz Fusion and making music that is genuinely memorable is demonstrated by these partnerships.