

DEURock, Indie Rock
122 monthly listeners
  • 249 subscribers
  • 110 fans

microClocks's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Life Is Grim - Lord of the Lost Club Edit
25 streams
Artist Name
stars from diffuse matter
7 streams
Artist Name
life is grim
6 streams
Artist Name
Raptor - Soman Pacemaker Remix
5 streams
Artist Name
soon before sundown
3 streams
Streams last week

Life Is Grim - Lord of the Lost Club Edit

microClocks, Lord of the Lost
Streams last week
Streams last week

life is grim

Streams last week
Streams last week

soon before sundown

Streams last week
Streams last week

white rabbit

Streams last week

nothing but a thought

Streams last week

The Edge - Radio Edit

Streams last week

The Edge - Club Mix


microClocks's YouTube Videos


microClocks - is anybody out there (official video) - HD-Version


microClocks - is anybody out there (official video) - HD-Version
Aug 03, 2011
microClocks - stars from diffuse matter
Oct 07, 2009

microClocks - life is grim (live @ M'era Luna 2014) HD 1080p


microClocks - life is grim (live @ M'era Luna 2014) HD 1080p
Oct 23, 2014

microClocks's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
Communion After Dark
by Spotify

Events8 Events

MicroClocks at RED BOX
, Mönchengladbach500 - 1200 Hall
NCN Festival
, NeukieritzschN/A N/A
Heaven 17 at RED BOX
, Mönchengladbach500 - 1200 Hall
microClocks - The Atrium
, Bochum0 - 500 Club
Autumn Moon
, HamelinN/A N/A

microClocks's Past Events8 Events

  • MicroClocks at RED BOX

    Heaven 17, Plexiphones, microClocks
    DEU, Mönchengladbach
    Hall500 - 1.2K
  • NCN Festival festival

    Midge Ure, Selofan, Nitzer Ebb, Ashbury Heights, Eklipse, Diorama, Rabia Sorda, Leæther Strip, Black Nail Cabaret, Forced To Mode, A Projection, Je T'Aime, Girls Under Glass, Whispers In The Shadow, The Eternal Afflict, KiEw, The Cassandra Complex, Henric de la Cour, Neun Welten, E-Craft, Cat Rapes Dog, Frank The Baptist, Corde Oblique, Klimt 1918, AMNISTIA, Battle Scream, M.I.N.E, Fïx8:Sëd8, Piston Damp, Nichts Band, Days of Sorrow, mildreda, Schramm, Sandow, In Mitra Medusa Inri, Tilly Electronics, Nao Katafuchi, Alice Gift, GULVØSS, Instant Lake, microClocks, St. Michael Front, the joke jay, Art Abscons, The Lust Syndicate, This can Hurt, Vrîmout, Kadeadkas, Trilogy
    DEU, Neukieritzsch
  • Heaven 17 at RED BOX

    Heaven 17, Plexiphones, microClocks
    DEU, Mönchengladbach
    Hall500 - 1.2K
  • microClocks - The Atrium

    Die Trompete
    DEU, Bochum
    Club0 - 500
  • Autumn Moon festival

    Heilung, Alcest, Project Pitchfork, Sólstafir, Cellar Darling, Pink Turns Blue, Priest, Ye Banished Privateers, Nachtmahr, Solitary Experiments, Rome, God Module, OMNIMAR, Unzucht, Frozen Plasma, Das Ich, Snow White Blood, Irfan, Vlad in Tears, CygnosiC, C-Lekktor, Goethes Erben, Rroyce, Corlyx, Illuminate, Merciful Nuns, Girls Under Glass, V2A, Siva Six, Forgotten North, Tibetréa, The Mescaline Babies, Kowalski, Coma Alliance, VV & The Void, John Kanaka & The Jack Tars, The Dark, Nachtsucher, microClocks, Dark Side Eons, Patient, Patient, The Sigourney Weavers, BURN, QFT
    DEU, Hamelin

Artists Following microClocks

Wise Guys
Wise Guys
DEMainstream Pop

More about microClocks

Overview of Indie Rock musician microClocks

German rock band microClocks is an exciting group from Bochum. This dynamic ensemble has captured audiences all over the world with its distinctive fusion of Rock and Indie Rock. Their music transports listeners on an exhilarating musical trip by radiating passion and raw intensity.

Strong guitar riffs, catchy lyrics, and energetic rhythms make up microClocks' distinctive sound. Their skillful blending of Rock and Indie Rock elements results in a sound environment that is both reassuringly fanciful and familiar. The group's music serves as a showcase for their ingenuity and variety, showing off their capacity to push boundaries and challenge genre norms.

MicroClocks delivers an overwhelming surge of emotion with each song. Their music strikes a deep and personal chord with listeners, whether it is the anthems that are filled with energy or the reflective ballads. The lyrics of the band explore topics of love, sorrow, and the complexity of the human experience in a reflective and thought-provoking way.

The music of microClocks is proof of the ability of rock and indie rock to uplift, unite, and transcend. They have attracted a devoted following and favorable reviews thanks to their spectacular performances and compelling stage presence. MicroClocks is poised to dominate the Rock and Indie Rock world, one thrilling riff at a time, with their unmistakable talent and uncompromising devotion to their craft.

What are the most popular songs for Indie Rock musician microClocks?

The German rock group MicroClocks, from Bochum, has developed a sizable fan base for their distinctive fusion of rock and indie rock music. Their most well-known songs are "Raptor," "Stars from Diffuse Matter," "Soon Before Sundown," and "White Rabbit." The band's ability to produce engrossing melodies and potent instrumentals that leave an enduring effect on listeners is demonstrated in these tracks.

With its contagious energy and pulsing rhythm, "Raptor" stands out and captivates the listener from the very first note. With its eerie lyrics and atmospheric guitar playing, the song "Stars from Diffuse Matter" adopts a more introspective tack. While "Soon Before Sundown" exemplifies the band's adaptability by deftly fusing parts of rock and indie music to produce a really distinctive sound.

Other noteworthy songs from microClocks include "The Spirit That Denies," "Life Is Grim - Lord of the Lost Club Edit," and "All Eyes on You." Each song has a unique flavor that adds to the band's varied career. Fans that value microClocks' dynamic sound and thought-provoking lyrics connect with their music.

MicroClocks have made a name for themselves in the rock and indie rock music scenes with their catchy songs and distinctive musical approach. They have a devoted following in Germany and other countries thanks to their ability to produce melodies with enduring appeal and compelling live performances.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Indie Rock musician microClocks?

German rock group microClocks, from Bochum, constantly produces fascinating music that cuts across genres. Their 2016 album "Soon Before Sundown" demonstrates their distinctive fusion of rock and indie rock components. MicroClocks takes listeners on a sonic journey with songs like "Raptor" and "The Edge," which are filled with grittier guitars, potent vocals, and infectious melodies. The album serves as a showcase for the group's growth and their talent for writing catchy tunes.

MicroClocks has also released a number of compelling singles in addition to their album. The club version of "Raptor" (2017) has drawn attention for its upbeat beats and contagious enthusiasm. The band's ability to write reflective and thought-provoking songs that connect with listeners is demonstrated by the albums "The Edge" (2016) and "Life Is Grim" (2016).

The raw and genuine tone of microClocks' music distinguishes them from other rock and indie rock bands. The infectious melodies they have written for their most recent songs and albums show off their talent for blending many musical genres smoothly. MicroClocks continue to make a lasting impact on both fans and newcomers with their distinctive sound and fascinating performances.

To sum up, microClocks' most recent album, "Soon Before Sundown" (2016), and recent songs like "Raptor" and "The Edge" demonstrate their knack for making dynamic and enduring rock and indie rock music. Their standing as a significant force in the music industry is cemented by their capacity to push boundaries and create songs that connect with audiences.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Indie Rock musician microClocks?

German rock and indie rock band microClocks has performed at some of the industry's most illustrious events and venues. Audiences have been spellbound by their mesmerizing performances, which have shown their distinctive sound and great brilliance.

At the NCN Festival, where they made one of their famous festival appearances, microClocks gave a thrilling performance that enthralled the audience. They expertly merged their Rock and Indie Rock elements into an enthralling live experience, and their stage presence was contagious. The band's chemistry was obvious, and they made an impression on everyone who saw them perform.

MicroClocks made another outstanding festival debut at Castle Rock, where they demonstrated their adaptability and capacity to fascinate various audiences. Their catchy melodies and strong vocals reverberated throughout the space, producing an unforgettable ambiance. It was genuinely amazing how well the band was able to communicate with their listeners through music.

MicroClocks have performed in notable venues like Die Trompete, Freak Show, MC Pekarna, and RED BOX in addition to festivals. As their raw and genuine performances reverberated within the walls of these venerable venues, these intimate settings allowed the band to connect with their fans on a deeper level.

Through their live performances and festival appearances, microClocks have established themselves as a leading Rock and Indie Rock band. Their unquestionable talent and dedication to their profession are evident in their ability to engage audiences and produce an unforgettable live experience.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Indie Rock musician microClocks?

The remix of "Life Is Grim - Lord of the Lost Club Edit" by the German indie rock band microClocks in association with Lord of the Lost is one of their noteworthy collaborations. The band's ability to incorporate electronic and industrial music components into their distinctive style is demonstrated by this cooperation. The remix takes the melancholy and brooding original music and turns it into an atmospheric experience that is haunting. The cooperation between microClocks and Lord of the Lost displays their openness to experimenting with other genres and pushing the limits of their sound.

Even if there are other partnerships listed, their work on Lord of the Lost is one of the most intriguing. The remix of "Life Is Grim" demonstrates the musical diversity of microClocks by skillfully fusing their indie rock sound with the gothic and industrial elements of Lord of the Lost. The end result is a strong and ethereal song that showcases both musicians' best qualities. The fact that microClocks and Lord of the Lost worked together is evidence of the group's desire to experiment with different musical genres and develop original works.

In conclusion, the remix of "Life Is Grim - Lord of the Lost Club Edit" by microClocks and Lord of the Lost is a noteworthy example of their ability to meld many musical styles and produce an enthralling musical experience. The band's versatility and desire to play around with their sound are on display in this partnership. By working with Lord of the Lost, microClocks broadened their range as musicians and produced a melancholy and atmospheric remix. These kinds of collaborations show off the band's skills and originality in the indie rock music genre.