Laura Lynn
Laura Lynn

Laura Lynn

BELEuropean, Schlager
32,766 monthly listeners
  • 1.1K fans

Laura Lynn's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Arrivederci Hans
2.5K streams
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Jij Doet De Wolken Verdwijnen
2.1K streams
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Real Gone
1.3K streams
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Dokter Bernard
1.3K streams
Artist Name
We Feesten Heel De Nacht
1.2K streams
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Real Gone

Laura Lynn
Streams last week
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Laura Lynn's YouTube Videos

Laura Lynn - We Feesten Heel De Nacht
Oct 07, 2014
Laura Lynn - Je Hebt Me 1000 Maal Belogen
May 29, 2018
Laura Lynn - Ik Trek Het Me Niet Aan
Apr 03, 2018

Laura Lynn's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

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vlaamse klassiekers🍻
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Vlaanderen Boven!
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Vlaamse slagers en meezingers
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Official Moose Bar XXL (Aprés-ski)
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Qmusic top 500 foute uur 2019
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Laura Lynn's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

More about Laura Lynn

Overview of Schlager musician Laura Lynn

Belgian Schlager musician Laura Lynn comes from Ardooie, Belgium. Traditional European Schlager music and contemporary pop elements are combined in her songs. She appeals to followers in Europe and beyond with her own flair. Over the course of her more than two decades in the music business, Laura Lynn's music has changed.

The cheerful, energetic songs that define Lynn's music are ideal for dancing. She has a strong voice that can handle any genre, but Schlager music is where she excels. Her words have a way of relating to her listeners, and her music is renowned for its passionate language. In the Schlager music scene, Laura Lynn has made a name for herself, and her music continues to enthrall listeners all around the world.

What are the most popular songs for Schlager musician Laura Lynn?

With her contagious beats and enduring lyrics, Belgian Schlager sensation Laura Lynn has won the hearts of music fans across Europe. At numerous events, the crowds have come to love her top songs, such as "Je Hebt Me 1000 Maal Belogen," "We Feesten Heel De Nacht," and "Arrivederci Hans." Laura Lynn stands out among her peers thanks to her distinctive fusion of classic Schlager and contemporary pop influences.

With its catchy chorus and familiar lyrics, "Je Hebt Me 1000 Maal Belogen" is possibly Laura Lynn's most well-known song. The song is about a woman who has been continually deceived by her spouse but still stays with him. The lively song "We Feesten Heel De Nacht" is another one that highlights the fun of having a party with friends. It has become a standard at many Christmas parties thanks to its upbeat melody and sing-along chorus.

Other well-liked songs are "Als Je Maar Danst," which exhorts listeners to dance, and "Jij Doet De Wolken Verdwijnen," a love song about the strength of romance. With the funny song "Dokter Bernard" about a handsome doctor and the moving ballad "De Allereerste Keer" about the recollections of a first love, Laura Lynn demonstrates her versatility as an artist.

The allure of Laura Lynn's music crosses national boundaries and linguistic boundaries. She has gained a devoted following across Europe thanks to her distinctive sound and contagious enthusiasm, making her one of the most well-known Schlager performers of all time. Laura Lynn is set to keep enthralling audiences with her engaging melodies and relevant lyrics for years to come.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Schlager musician Laura Lynn?

The European Schlager music scene is dominated by Belgian singer Laura Lynn. In 2020, she published her most recent album, "Country 2," which features her mellow vocals and lively rhythms. The album is a follow-up to her 2018 album, "Country," and her 2016 album, "Een Nieuwe Dag."

The 2023 release of Laura Lynn's most recent track, "Heen & Weer," is sure to please her followers. Her earlier singles, "Zo Is Het Leven" (2022), "Country Girl" (2021), and "Je Hebt Me 1000 Maal Belogen" (2020), were all well-received songs that demonstrated the breadth of her musical abilities.

Traditional country and contemporary Schlager are blended in Laura Lynn's music, and she frequently uses it to express tales of love, life, and relationships. Fans of different ages and socioeconomic backgrounds connect with her music because of its timeless quality. Laura Lynn is one of the most well-known Schlager singers in Europe right now thanks to her sultry voice and memorable songs.

As a result, Laura Lynn's music is a superb fusion of traditional country and contemporary Schlager, and her most recent album "Country 2" and single "Heen & Weer" are certain to be hits with her admirers. Laura Lynn is a rising sensation in the European music scene thanks to her sultry vocals and captivating songs.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Schlager musician Laura Lynn?

Over the years, Belgian Schlager performer Laura Lynn has worked with a number of other musicians. "Diep In Je Ogen" with Luc Steeno, "De Kusjesdans" with Matthias Lens, "Als Je Dan Even In je Handen Klapt - Single Version" with Luc Steeno, De Romeo's, and Sam Gooris, "Al Duurt De Nacht Tot Morgenvroeg" with Frans Bauer, and "Kom Dans Met Mij" with Frans Bauer are a few of her most significant collaborations.

Her work with Matthias Lens on "De Kusjesdans" is among her most renowned projects. Both performers sing about a dance where everyone is kissing on this cheerful song. The song remains a fan favorite today despite being a great hit in Belgium and the Netherlands.

"Als Je Dan Even In je Handen Klapt - Single Version" by Luc Steeno, De Romeo's, and Sam Gooris is another noteworthy collaboration. All four performers join together to sing about clapping your hands and dancing in this upbeat and engaging tune. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the song became a well-liked party anthem.

Despite the fact that Laura Lynn has worked on numerous noteworthy projects during her career, "De Kusjesdans" and "Als Je Dan Even In je Handen Klapt - Single Version" stand out as two of her most significant and memorable collaborations.