Kpese Boii
Kpese Boii

Kpese Boii

GHAHip Hop, Contemporary Hip Hop
80 monthly listeners
  • 894 subscribers

Kpese Boii's Top Spotify Songs

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13 streams
Artist Name
13 streams
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11 streams
Artist Name
Dagbe Neva
5 streams
Artist Name
Stay Far
5 streams
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Kpese Boii
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Kpese Boii
Streams last week

Dagbe Neva

Kpese Boii
Streams last week

Stay Far

Kpese Boii
Streams last week

No Case

Kpese Boii
Streams last week


Kpese Boii
Streams last week

Love Me

Kpese Boii
Streams last week

Traffic Attack

Kpese Boii
Streams last week

Crime Love

Kpese Boii

Kpese Boii's YouTube Videos


kpese Boii Yudah official video

Kpese Boii

kpese Boii  Yudah official video
May 07, 2020

Kpese Boii Stay High

Kpese Boii

Kpese Boii   Stay High
May 23, 2023

Biibi Ba Freestyle

Kpese Boii

Biibi Ba Freestyle
Sep 05, 2019

Kpese Boii's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

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~Experimental, Minimal, Ambient, & MORE~
by Spotify

Kpese Boii's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

More about Kpese Boii

Overview of Contemporary Hip Hop musician Kpese Boii

Kpese Boii, a native of Accra, Ghana, is a ferocious force in the Hip Hop community. Kpese Boii contributes a new and bright spirit to the music world with his main genre of Hip Hop and subgenre of Contemporary Hip Hop. His songs masterfully fuse catchy beats, witty lyrics, and moving narration to give listeners a completely engrossing experience.

Kpese Boii easily combines classic Hip Hop components with modern influences in his songs to create a sound that is both timeless and cutting-edge. His poetic skill and fluid flow are evidence of his commitment to and love of his trade. Kpese Boii's music touches listeners on a deeply personal level and elicits a variety of feelings, from happiness to reflection.

Kpese Boii is swiftly establishing himself as a rising star in the Hip Hop community thanks to his contagious personality and evident talent. He stands out from the crowd thanks to his distinctive fusion of retro vibes and contemporary sensibilities, and his music is evidence of Ghana's thriving Hip Hop culture. Kpese Boii is a force to be reckoned with, and his experience in the hip-hop community is certain to intrigue viewers everywhere.

What are the most popular songs for Contemporary Hip Hop musician Kpese Boii?

Ghanaian rapper Kpese Boii from Accra has become well-known in the Hip Hop music scene thanks to his distinctive look and fascinating sound. He is best known for the songs "Give Me Dat," "EGA NEVA," "Nodding," and "Stay Far." Kpese Boii's brilliance and originality are displayed in each of these tracks, wowing listeners and making them eager for more.

With Kpese Boii's easy flow and addictive sounds, "Give Me Dat" is a catchy song. It's a tune that catches your attention right away and makes you nod in time with the beat. Conversely, "EGA NEVA" adopts a more reflective tack, with ponderous lyrics and a soulful melody that connects with listeners.

Another outstanding song by Kpese Boii, "Nodding" has an upbeat atmosphere and fascinating production. It's a tune that makes you want to dance and displays Kpese Boii's knack for writing catchy choruses. Finally, "Stay Far" closes the album with a powerful message conveyed through its thoughtful and honest lyrics, which are complemented by an alluring instrumental that fits Kpese Boii's distinctive style.

These Kpese Boii songs showcase his range as a musician and his capacity to produce music that connects with a broad audience. Kpese Boii has cemented his position in the current Hip Hop music landscape with his distinctive style and fascinating delivery, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating his next release.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Contemporary Hip Hop musician Kpese Boii?

Accra, Ghana-born contemporary hip-hop musician Kpese Boii has gained popularity with his most recent works. "CLIENT (2021)," one of his well-known singles, is a song that displays Kpese Boii's mastery of the written word and distinctive musical taste. Hip-hop fans must listen to this song because of the catchy beats and thought-provoking lyrics that fascinate listeners.

Kpese Boii has released additional notable singles besides "CLIENT (2021)," such as "No Case (2020), "Love Me (2020)," and "Hardcore (2020)." These songs showcase Kpese Boii's range as an artist by each bringing something new and intriguing to the table. Kpese Boii keeps establishing himself in the current hip-hop scene with his smooth flow and outstanding wordplay.

The music CDs by Kpese Boii are evidence of his commitment to and love of his work. He has produced a sound that connects with his audience thanks to his avant-garde approach to hip-hop. Kpese Boii continually produces songs that are both catchy and meaningful, whether it's in his most recent single or his earlier ones. He distinguishes himself from his contemporaries and promotes himself as a rising star in the industry thanks to his ability to combine various hip-hop musical elements.

In conclusion, Ghanaian artist Kpese Boii from Accra has gained recognition for his most recent singles, including "CLIENT (2021)" and other standout songs like "No Case (2020), "Love Me (2020)," and "Hardcore (2020)." Kpese Boii continues to make an impact on the modern hip-hop music scene with his distinctive style and intriguing lyrics. Keep an eye out for more fantastic songs from this gifted musician.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Contemporary Hip Hop musician Kpese Boii?

Ghanaian rapper Kpese Boii from Accra has worked with a variety of other musicians in the Hip Hop and Contemporary Hip Hop genres. The songs "Give Me Dat" with Elikplim and "EGA NEVA" with Hairlergbe, Keeny Ice, Mawuli Younggod, and Jj Gonami are two notable examples of collaborations.

Elikplim and Kpese Boii collaborate to produce "Give Me Dat," a compelling song. Their voice and flow approaches work in unison to create a dynamic and interesting song. Their ability to work together to enhance one another's abilities results in a memorable performance.

In "EGA NEVA," Kpese Boii teams up with a number of talented musicians, including Hairlergbe, Keeny Ice, Mawuli Younggod, and Jj Gonami. This is another noteworthy collaboration. Together, they provide the song a special combination of lyrical skill and distinctive musicianship. The project showcases each artist's unique talent while deftly fusing their respective aesthetics to produce a dynamic and unified piece.

These collaborations show Kpese Boii's versatility as a collaborator and his ability to produce music that connects with listeners. By collaborating with other artists, he broadens his creative horizons and infuses his music with new ideas. Kpese Boii's collaborations are a prime example of how effective teamwork can be in the Hip Hop genre, producing catchy, enduring songs.

Overall, Kpese Boii's collaborations on "Give Me Dat" with Elikplim and "EGA NEVA" with Hairlergbe, Keeny Ice, Mawuli Younggod, and Jj Gonami demonstrate his flexibility as a musician and his capacity to produce music that crosses boundaries. These partnerships demonstrate the value of teamwork in the Hip Hop and Contemporary Hip Hop music scenes while highlighting the talents of all the musicians involved.