Killing Stars
Killing Stars

Killing Stars

ESPRock, Pop Rock
14 monthly listeners
  • 77 subscribers
  • 3 fans

Killing Stars's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
You in Space
3 streams
Artist Name
Black Rat
1 streams
Artist Name
Zombie Girl
1 streams
Artist Name
Moon Don't Cry
N/A streams
Artist Name
N/A streams
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Streams last week
Streams last week
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Moon Don't Cry

Killing Stars
Streams last week


Killing Stars
Streams last week

Zombie Girl

Killing Stars
Streams last week

Raw On

Killing Stars
Streams last week
Streams last week

Kid Hater

Killing Stars
Streams last week

Anyone to Love

Killing Stars

Killing Stars's YouTube Videos

Killing Stars - The Cliff
Aug 06, 2020
Killing Stars - Zombie Girl
Nov 11, 2019

Killing Stars - Kid Hater (videoclip)

Killing Stars

Killing Stars  - Kid Hater (videoclip)
Dec 10, 2023

Killing Stars's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
SP Rock
by Spotify

Killing Stars's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

More about Killing Stars

Overview of Pop Rock musician Killing Stars

Rock band Killing Stars, from Madrid, Spain, is well-known for their dynamic sound, which combines the gritty energy of rock with appealing melodies from pop. Killing Stars has carved itself a distinct niche within the pop rock genre because to their talent for writing catchy hooks and intense guitar riffs.

Their music is distinguished by its evocative lyrics and passionate voices that captivate audiences and foster a strong connection. Killing Stars exhibits their variety and capacity to create a wide range of emotions through their music, from anthems that inspire a sense of revolt to sad ballads that pull at the heartstrings.

Killing Stars draws inspiration from classic rock bands of the past and adds a new touch to their sound to produce a sound that is simultaneously classic and modern. Their songs resonate with listeners who want for authenticity and a sense of freedom because they reflect the spirit of youth and revolt.

Killing Stars has developed a devoted fan base because to their unique fusion of rock and pop, and they never fail to mesmerize crowds with their riveting live performances. This rock music phenomenon from Spain is a force to be reckoned with, and audiences all over the world are likely to be captivated by its distinctive sound.

What are the most popular songs for Pop Rock musician Killing Stars?

The catchy and upbeat songs of Madrid, Spain-based Pop Rock band Killing Stars have helped them become well-known. They are most known for the songs "Rock Hunter," "The Cliff," "You in Space," "Zombie Girl," "Sweet Soul," "Sharks," "Please Don't Stop Me," "No Boy," and "Stay With Me."

With its combination of catchy guitar riffs and a hard-driving rhythm section, "Rock Hunter" exemplifies the band's unadulterated and potent sound. The song transports listeners on an exhilarating musical journey that leaves them wanting more. On the other side, "The Cliff" demonstrates Killing Stars' talent for composing emotionally charged tunes that evoke feelings of vulnerability and reflection.

With its compelling fusion of rock and electronic elements, "You in Space" stands out as a notable track that demonstrates the band's flexibility. This song is likely to get the crowd up and dancing thanks to its catchy hooks and soaring vocals. While the chorus of "Zombie Girl" is punchy and anthemic, the melody of "Sweet Soul" is more melodic and meditative.

Among the other standout songs are the upbeat "Sharks," the contagious "Please Don't Stop Me," the disobedient "No Boy," and the sentimental "Stay With Me."

Fans of Killing Stars who value the combination of rock and pop influences connect with their music. Their talent for writing enthralling melodies and potent hooks has won them a devoted fan base. Killing Stars continue to firmly establish their place in the rock and pop rock music world with their tremendous career.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Pop Rock musician Killing Stars?

The well-known rock/pop rock band from Madrid, Spain, Killing Stars, has been mesmerizing audiences with their most recent songs and music albums. Their most recent hits demonstrate their musical range and skill in the rock genre.

"Please Don't Stop Me (2022)" is one of the band's most recent hits, a strong rock anthem that highlights the group's vigor and appealing melodies. This song will definitely get listeners moving and singing along because to its contagious beat and enduring hooks.

"Sweet Soul (2022)" is another standout track, a melodic rock ballad that reveals the band's range of emotions. It stands out in their discography as a result of its compelling listening experience and meaningful lyrics.

Another strong single from Killing Stars, "Sharks (2022)," demonstrates their talent for writing anthemic rock tunes. This song is a true testament to the band's musical ability with its hard-driving guitar riffs and powerful instrumentation.

Last but not least, "Zombie Girl (2022)" gives Killing Stars' discography a grittier and darker vibe. This song stands out among their most recent releases thanks to its eerie ambiance and powerful vocals.

Overall, rock band Killing Stars continues to produce intense and engrossing songs. Their most recent singles demonstrate their range and capacity to write catchy songs that connect with audiences. Rock and pop rock music lovers will definitely enjoy the band's skill and distinctive sound.