Juice Jackal
Juice Jackal

Juice Jackal

USAPop, Indie Pop
3,235 monthly listeners
  • 8 fans

Juice Jackal's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Cabin Fever
746 streams
Artist Name
Looney Toon - Shlohmo Remix
377 streams
Artist Name
Nightmare - D33J Version
50 streams
Artist Name
Are We Falling In Love
43 streams
Artist Name
Why Stress It
43 streams
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J-dog Premonition

Juice Jackal
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Juice Jackal's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
Q-13 Lounge
by Spotify

Events1 Event

Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival
United States
, Staten IslandN/A N/A

Juice Jackal's Past Events1 Event

  • Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival festival

    Nina Kraviz, Breakbot, Mount Kimbie, DJ Seinfeld, Baltra, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Irfane, Durante, Shlohmo, DJ Hell, Busy P, Francois K, Motor City Drum Ensemble, Massimiliano Pagliara, D33J, MikeQ, Groundislava, AceMo, Jets, MoMa Ready, P.Leone, J. Albert, FIXED (JDH & Dave P), 4AM NYC, Maksim, Marco Weibel, Juice Jackal, Luka Tacon, RINSED, Taraval, tape_hiss, Alex Raouf, Mawkus, Willy Soul, Joaquin Bartra, Cranks, DJ Richard, Seth Magoon, Aquatic Themes, Sagotsky, Kfeelz, E-Missions, quest?onmarq
    USA, Staten Island

Juice Jackal's Beatport Songs

Artist Name
Looney Toon (Shlohmo Remix)
Released on Jun 18, 2018
Artist Name
I Can't Sleep (Original Mix)
Released on Nov 03, 2017
Artist Name
Wish You Called (feat. Juice Jackal) (Original Mix)
Released on Apr 05, 2019
Artist Name
Nightmare (D33J Version)
Released on Jun 22, 2018
Artist Name
God (Purple Remix)
Released on Jun 22, 2018

Looney Toon (Shlohmo Remix)

Shlohmo, Juice Jackal

Wish You Called (feat. Juice Jackal) (Original Mix)

Juice Jackal

More about Juice Jackal

Overview of Indie Pop musician Juice Jackal

American singer-songwriter Juice Jackal is causing a stir in the Pop and Indie Pop music scenes. Juice Jackal enthralls audiences with their distinctive sound and captivating songs and lyrics. They combine Pop and Indie elements to produce a vibrant and energizing musical experience.

Juice Jackal's music is distinguished by memorable melodies, energetic instrumentals, and passionate vocals. They stand out from the competition because to their ability to adroitly combine many genres and produce a sound that is uniquely their own. Each song is a testament to their craft, demonstrating their capacity to communicate unfiltered emotion and establish a meaningful connection with listeners.

The unmistakable vitality in their music leaves fans wanting more. Juice Jackal has a talent for writing songs that connect with listeners from all walks of life, whether it's because of the infectious rhythms or the relevant lyrics. Their music is a celebration of individual expression and a monument to the ability of music to elicit strong feelings and unite people.

Juice Jackal's musical prowess knows no limitations, and their dedication to pushing Pop and Indie Pop music's frontiers is audible in every note they play. Their skill and originality can be seen in their ability to combine several genres to produce a sound that is all their own. Juice Jackal maintains their ability to enthrall fans and solidify their position as a major player in the music business with each new release.

What are the most popular songs for Indie Pop musician Juice Jackal?

A skilled Pop and Indie Pop performer from the US named Juice Jackal has won over audiences with their wide variety of songs. "Cabin Fever," one of their most well-known tunes, is a snappy and upbeat track that will have you dancing along from the first beat. Another hit with the audience is the collaboration "Wish You Called," which features Juice Jackal's distinctive vocals over a catchy and upbeat tune.

Tracks like "Looney Toon - Shlohmo Remix," "Nightmare - D33J Version," and "Heat Rock" further demonstrate Juice Jackal's propensity for experimenting with various sounds and genres to produce dynamic listening experiences. Songs like "Adrift," "Why Stress It," and "Looney Toon," which smoothly combine aspects of Pop and Indie Pop, serve as other examples of their flexibility.

Juice Jackal's music is distinguished by its moving lyrics and entrancing melodies, which capture the essence of unfiltered feelings and unique experiences. They can make reflective, thought-provoking music that connects with listeners on a deeper level, as evidenced by songs like "Atone" and "God - Purple Remix".

Juice Jackal has fashioned out a distinctive sound that sets them apart in the music industry with their special Pop and Indie Pop fusion. They have a devoted following thanks to their talent for writing catchy tunes and moving words. So, Juice Jackal's tremendous catalog is your best bet if you're seeking for music that will get you moving and thinking.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Indie Pop musician Juice Jackal?

American Pop and Indie Pop artist Juice Jackal has gained popularity with their most recent songs and music albums. Their most recent album, "Drifting Classroom (2023)," displays their own musical aesthetic and enthralls listeners with catchy songs and emotional lyrics.

'Cabin Fever (2022)' stands out among their most recent singles as evidence of Juice Jackal's range as a musician. The song deftly combines indie-pop sensibilities with appealing pop hooks to produce an enthralling aural experience. 'Heat Rock (2022)' is another standout track that demonstrates Juice Jackal's talent for creating catchy melodies that linger in your head long after the song has ended.

Juice Jackal has also just released the albums "God (Purple Remix) (2018)" and "Juiced Remix EP" in addition to their most recent songs. Juice Jackal's willingness to experiment with various sounds and work with other musicians to produce innovative and interesting music is evident in these remixes.

Juice Jackal continuously produces fascinating music that connects with people while continuing to push limits and develop as an artist. Their distinctive sound in the music business results from their ability to flawlessly combine pop and indie-pop elements. Watch for Juice Jackal's upcoming releases since they will undoubtedly have even more creativity and top-notch music.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Indie Pop musician Juice Jackal?

American pop and indie pop singer Juice Jackal has made numerous major concert engagements and festival appearances over the course of their career. The famed Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival was where they made one of their most significant festival appearances. Juice Jackal's presence in the roster cemented their status in the music industry. This festival is recognized for promoting cutting-edge electronic music performers.

Juice Jackal has played at several different venues and festivals in addition to the Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival. Juice Jackal has captivated audiences on various venues, despite the fact that the nuances of each performance may not have been described in detail. They have gained notoriety and a devoted following because to their ability to adroitly meld pop and indie music components.

And there's no denying that Juice Jackal's dynamic and captivating live performances have aided in their success. The fans' experiences at their performances have been made memorable by their on-stage persona and capacity to engage the crowd. Juice Jackal constantly puts on excellent concerts that are memorable, whether they are in smaller venues or bigger festivals.

Juice Jackal's involvement in the Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival, along with their numerous other festival outings and live performances in venues, has helped to cement their reputation in the pop and indie pop music scenes. They have distinguished themselves from their contemporaries and emerged as a promising artist in the field thanks to their talent, distinctive sound, and fascinating live performances.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Indie Pop musician Juice Jackal?

In the Pop and Indie Pop music scenes, Juice Jackal has worked with a number of notable performers. A noteworthy example of a collaboration is the song "Cabin Fever" with Cherry Glazerr. A distinctive and engrossing listening experience is produced by the fusion of Cherry Glazerr's edgy sound and Juice Jackal's soothing vocals. The song expertly combines pop and rock elements, demonstrating the performers' versatility and interplay.

The song "Wish You Called" with Swan Lingo is another memorable collaboration. Swan Lingo's exquisite production and Juice Jackal's moving lyrics come together in this mix. The ultimate result is a captivating fusion of emotive melodies and ethereal sounds that amply displays both musicians' artistic talent.

Juice Jackal and Shlohmo also worked together on the remix of "Looney Toon." The original track is given a new, exciting twist by Shlohmo's distinctive production approach, resulting in a mesmerizing blend of electronic and pop components.

All of the above-mentioned collaborations are noteworthy, but these two stand out for their distinctive and enthralling musical chemistry. Juice Jackal's versatility and willingness to push limits within the Pop and Indie Pop genres are highlighted by their ability to work fluidly with various performers.