J-Roon & Kosmix
J-Roon & Kosmix

J-Roon & Kosmix

NLDPunk, Hardcore Punk
1 monthly listeners
  • 18 fans

J-Roon & Kosmix's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Soul Raper
2 streams
Streams last week

Soul Raper

J-Roon & Kosmix

J-Roon & Kosmix's Beatport Songs

Artist Name
The Catalyst (Original Mix)
Released on May 17, 2013
Artist Name
Soul Raper (Original Mix)
Released on Feb 01, 2017

The Catalyst (Original Mix)

J-Roon & Kosmix

Soul Raper (Original Mix)

J-Roon & Kosmix

More about J-Roon & Kosmix

Overview of Hardcore Punk musician J-Roon & Kosmix

Dutch-born Punk and Hardcore Punk musicians J-Roon & Kosmix perform together. They have carved out a distinctive place for themselves in the punk scene because to their unbridled energy and defiant character. The anxiety and despair of the disenfranchised youth echo in their music, which channels it into a sonic explosion of power chords and violent vocals.

J-Roon & Kosmix, who are punk rock pioneers themselves, give their music a sense of energy and resistance. Their music is distinguished by piercing guitar riffs, resounding drum beats, and gritty, fervent lyrics. Themes of societal unrest, political dissent, and personal hardship are explored in their songs, and they effectively convey a message to their audience.

The dedication of J-Roon & Kosmix to the punk aesthetic is audible in their music. While their unrelenting intensity and unwavering attitude set them distinct, the rawness and sincerity of their music perfectly reflect the spirit of the genre. J-Roon & Kosmix have established themselves as major players in the punk and hardcore punk scenes thanks to their intense live shows and steadfast commitment to their craft.