Guilty Ghosts
Guilty Ghosts

Guilty Ghosts

USAElectronic, Downtempo
6,821 monthly listeners

Guilty Ghosts's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
The End of Akira
1.7K streams
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Everlasting Evening (feat. Sea Oleena)
1.1K streams
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Late Night Voyages
789 streams
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Top Prize Fighter
50 streams
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The People You Love
37 streams
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Guilty Ghosts's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TO WORK TO: Chill, Ambient, Electronic Instrumental Mix
by Spotify
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Coding Programming Hacking Slashing
by Spotify
Artist Name
Concentrate At Work
by Spotify
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Dreampop Shoegaze Lo-Fi Buffet
by Spotify
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Psychill - Downtempo - Psybient - Ambient
by Spotify

Artists Following Guilty Ghosts

The Durutti Column
The Durutti Column
GBIndie Pop
2econd Class Citizen
2econd Class Citizen
GBIndie Rock
USProgressive Metal
Benjamin Mauch
Benjamin Mauch
USDeep House
Nico Soffiato
Nico Soffiato
ITSmooth Jazz

More about Guilty Ghosts

Overview of Downtempo musician Guilty Ghosts

American electronic musician Guilty Ghosts is from Brooklyn and specializes in the downtempo genres. Guilty Ghosts' music has a talent for crafting engrossing and evocative soundscapes that readily carry listeners to other worlds. Their special fusion of downtempo beats and electronic sounds results in a compelling and enchanting auditory experience.

Guilty Ghosts have mastered the art of telling stories through music. Each song takes the listener on a journey, generating a variety of feelings and conjuring up clear mental images. The listener might lose themselves in the music due to the complex synthesizer layers, dreamy melodies, and expertly produced rhythms.

The power of Guilty Ghosts' music to inspire feelings of meditation and reflection distinguishes it. You want to close your eyes, forget about the outside world, and lost yourself in the auditory tapestry that Guilty Ghosts creates when listening to this music. Guilty Ghosts have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the electronic music world with their skilled use of sound design and composition.

In conclusion, Brooklyn-based electronic musician Guilty Ghosts uses a distinctive fusion of electronic sounds and downtempo beats to produce engrossing, immersive music. Their music has the ability to take listeners to a another world and arouse a variety of feelings. Guilty Ghosts are a notable artist in the electronic music genre thanks to their skillful use of sound design and composition.

What are the most popular songs for Downtempo musician Guilty Ghosts?

The electronic downtempo artist Guilty Ghosts, who is from Brooklyn, New York, has produced a number of intriguing songs that have attracted a lot of attention. They have a number of well-known songs in their catalog, including "Everlasting Evening (feat. Sea Oleena)," "Late Night Voyages," "The End of Akira," "Top Prize Fighter," "Great Malevolent Withholder," "The People You Love," "Begotten," "Tinted Windows (feat. Guerre)," "Lowe," and "In Our Book."

"Everlasting Evening (feat. Sea Oleena)" transports listeners on a captivating trip through ambient soundscapes with hypnotic tunes and angelic vocals. With its rich layers of electronic beats and eerie melodies, "Late Night Voyages" mesmerizes. Guilty Ghosts' ability to convey a sense of suspense and mystery through their music is demonstrated in "The End of Akira."

Other songs like "Top Prize Fighter," "Great Malevolent Withholder," "The People You Love," "Begotten," "Tinted Windows (feat. Guerre)," "Lowe," and "In Our Book" further show how adeptly Guilty Ghosts can combine electronic elements with downtempo feelings. The ambient and introspective nature of these tracks invites listeners to get lost in them.

With its distinct fusion of electronic and downtempo genres, Guilty Ghosts' music has captured the attention of listeners. Their well-known songs take listeners on a musical journey that leaves them wanting more.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Downtempo musician Guilty Ghosts?

American electronic downtempo music group Guilty Ghosts has gained popularity with their most recent singles and music albums. The artist's distinctive fusion of electronic sounds and downtempo melodies is on display in their most recent album, "Trespasser," which was published in 2012. Guilty Ghosts' songs, like "Echoes" and "Fragments," transport listeners to a world of ethereal soundscapes and mesmerizing rhythms.

Guilty Ghosts also released their most recent song, "The Witness," in 2015 in addition to their album. The evocative melody and sophisticated production of this music attract listeners. "The Witness" perfectly captures Guilty Ghosts' distinctive style with its flawless fusion of electronic components and downtempo emotions.

Guilty Ghosts stretch the limits of electronic downtempo music with their own style and painstaking attention to detail. Their most recent works demonstrate their capacity to produce immersive audioscapes that carry listeners to otherworldly worlds. Guilty Ghosts' music is certain to enthrall and make an impression, whether you enjoy electronic music or simply value artistry and innovation.

Keep an eye out for more entrancing songs and albums from Guilty Ghosts as they develop and broaden their creative horizons. Watch for their next releases since they are sure to introduce the electronic downtempo music world to even more avant-garde tones.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Downtempo musician Guilty Ghosts?

The American electronic downtempo musician Guilty Ghosts has worked with a number of excellent musicians to produce some catchy songs. "Everlasting Evening" (with Sea Oleena) and "Tinted Windows" (featuring Guerre) are two outstanding joint efforts.

Guilty Ghosts and Sea Oleena came together for "Everlasting Evening," a mesmerizing and mystical musical performance. Sea Oleena's eerie vocals meld perfectly with Guilty Ghosts' atmospheric production to create an atmosphere that transports listeners to another world. The group effort demonstrates the performers' talent for fusing complex melodies and moving lyrics to create a truly captivating composition.

The collaboration "Tinted Windows" with Guerre is another noteworthy one. Guerre's distinctive singing style is combined with the distinctive electronic sound of Guilty Ghosts in this collaboration. Guerre's soulful vocals are accompanied by glitchy beats, seductive synth lines, and a compelling auditory environment in this track. By pushing boundaries and experimenting with various sounds, the artists' collaboration produced a unique and inventive track.

These partnerships show off Guilty Ghosts' capacity for working with other musicians to produce songs that connect with audiences. Their individual artistic philosophies and techniques come together to create tracks that are engrossing and thought-provoking. Through these partnerships, Guilty Ghosts is expanding the parameters of electronic downtempo music and making a significant contribution to the field.