Gilles Wasserman
Gilles Wasserman

Gilles Wasserman

USAElectronic, Techno
135 monthly listeners

Gilles Wasserman's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Zona - Map.ache Remix
27 streams
Artist Name
They Found Bob - Original Mix
N/A streams
Artist Name
Why Does the Rain Smell So Good on a Sunday Morning
N/A streams
Artist Name
Emma's Hiding
N/A streams
Artist Name
Dark Smell - Original Mix
N/A streams
Streams last week
Streams last week

They Found Bob - Original Mix

Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week

Why Does the Rain Smell So Good on a Sunday Morning

Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week

Emma's Hiding

Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week

Dark Smell - Original Mix

Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week

Starless Midnight - Original Mix

Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week

Leichter Sonntag

Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week

Tidal Locking - Original Mix

Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week


Gilles Wasserman
Streams last week

Zona - Original Mix

Gilles Wasserman

More about Gilles Wasserman

Overview of Techno musician Gilles Wasserman

American-born Gilles Wasserman is a remarkable electronic music virtuoso. He was raised in Brooklyn. With a primary focus on electronic music and a side focus on techno, Wasserman has created a distinctive sound that instantly immerses listeners in vibrant dance floors and dreamy soundscapes.

The secret to Wasserman's brilliance is his ability to combine forceful beats and complex melodies in a way that transports listeners to another world. His musical creations transport listeners on an exciting voyage through throbbing basslines and mesmerizing synth rhythms. With every song, Wasserman demonstrates his in-depth knowledge of the genre by deftly incorporating techno components into his electronic landscapes.

The raw intensity and contagious rhythms of electronic music are well captured in Wasserman's compositions, which are an epitome of the genre's spirit. His tracks, which consistently push the limits of electronic and techno music while never being hesitant to try new things, are proof of his commitment to and love for what he does.

Gilles Wasserman is regarded as a true genius in the field of electronic music, a sonic architect who creates elaborate soundscapes that enthrall and hypnotize. By fusing electronic and techno in a distinctive way, Wasserman has cemented his status as one of the genre's greatest artists and made a lasting impression on the music industry. So turn on your speakers, close your eyes, and allow Gilles Wasserman's music to carry you away to a world of throbbing beats and exhilarating melodies.

What are the most popular songs for Techno musician Gilles Wasserman?

Brooklyn, New York native Gilles Wasserman is a well-known electronic and techno musician known for his distinctive style and fascinating tunes. "Zona - Map.ache Remix" is a standout track among his best ones. This remix demonstrates Wasserman's skill at fusing complex beats with melodic components, creating a captivating and contagious groove that captures listeners' attention from beginning to end.

Fans of electronic and techno music have come to love Wasserman's other releases, which include "Zona - Map.ache Remix" and a number of other noteworthy songs. All of the tracks have well constructed soundscapes and catchy rhythms, even if each one has its own unique vibe and style. With its hypnotic synth melodies and pulsing basslines, Wasserman's music has the ability to take listeners to a different world where the dance floor is transformed into a haven for auditory discovery.

Because of his skill in fusing techno and electronic components together, Wasserman has a devoted fan base in the music industry. His songs have a special charm that draws listeners in and causes them to immerse themselves in the music and enjoy the ecstasy that follows. Wasserman is a notable musician in the electronic and techno genre because of his ability to create complex audio worlds and his instinctive sense of rhythm. He is constantly pushing the boundaries of his craft.

All things considered, Gilles Wasserman's output as an electronic and techno musician is a monument to his talent and inventiveness. With hits like "Zona - Map.ache Remix" and other songs, Wasserman has made a name for himself in the music business by enticing listeners with his catchy melodies and engaging sounds. The future is promising for this gifted artist from Brooklyn as he develops and ventures into new sound realms.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Techno musician Gilles Wasserman?

The Brooklyn, New York-born electronic and techno musician Gilles Wasserman has not stopped captivating listeners with his new songs. "No Time Like The Present (2023)", his most recent hit, exemplifies his trademark blend of complex melodies and throbbing beats. This song effortlessly carries listeners to an energetic world of rhythm that they can't help but move to. Wasserman's engaging tune "Emma's Hiding (2021)" further demonstrates his talent to create immersive electronic soundscapes.

With his most recent album, Wasserman is pushing the envelope and redefining the electronic genre. His artistic range and meticulous attention to detail are evident in every track on the album. From "No Time Like The Present"'s captivating progression to "Emma's Hiding"'s eerie sounds, Wasserman's music transports listeners through a diverse aural universe.

In addition to its technical mastery, Wasserman's music is notable for its capacity to arouse strong feelings in listeners and establish a close bond with them. His works expertly combine Electronic and Techno musical components, creating a singular and engrossing listening experience. Wasserman displays his expert knowledge of producing methods on every track, creating a sound tapestry that is both inventive and captivating.

To sum up, Gilles Wasserman's most recent single, "No Time Like The Present (2023)," together with his music album, demonstrate his development as an artist and his commitment to expanding the realm of electronic music. With his unique style and engrossing melodies, Wasserman keeps establishing himself as a major player in the electronic and techno music scene. He is a gifted and innovative musician who really shines in his abilities to create evocative soundscapes and stir strong feelings in listeners through his music.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Techno musician Gilles Wasserman?

Throughout his career, Brooklyn, New York-based electronic and techno musician Gilles Wasserman has worked with many accomplished musicians. One noteworthy partnership is the remix of the song "Zona" with Map.ache. Map.ache adds his distinct style and musical knowledge to the remix, giving Wasserman's original work a new, alluring vibe. The end product is an enthralling fusion of complex beats and electronic components that draws listeners in and takes them on a sensory adventure.

Wasserman's work with Map.ache is another noteworthy partnership. The way that their musical backgrounds and styles have been incorporated into this collaboration is impressive. The "Zona" remix, which combines Map.ache's distinctive compositional style with Wasserman's electronic production prowess, exemplifies their ability to produce a coherent and dynamic sound. The song sticks out as evidence of their creative chemistry and capacity to produce music that both challenges conventions and enthralls listeners.

Gilles Wasserman's remix of "Zona" with Map.ache is a great illustration of how well he can collaborate with other musicians to produce fascinating and avant-garde electronic music. This collaboration exemplifies Wasserman's dedication to expanding the parameters of his own sound and venturing into uncharted musical realms. Through his partnerships, Wasserman is able to further develop as an artist and create music that has a strong and deep emotional connection for listeners.