False Persona
False Persona

False Persona

GBRElectronic, Techno
12,309 monthly listeners
  • 66 fans

False Persona's Top Spotify Songs

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9.9K streams
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It Go Like - False Persona Remix
2.8K streams
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1.5K streams
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1K streams
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847 streams
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False Persona's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

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by Spotify
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Bee Movie
by Spotify
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by Spotify
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Cyberpunk 2077
by Spotify
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by Spotify

False Persona's Beatport Songs

Artist Name
Unknown Variable (Original Mix)
Released on Sep 17, 2021
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Mind Heist (Dagga Remix)
Released on Dec 15, 2022
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Sneak Dissin' (Original Mix)
Released on Dec 15, 2022
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Mind Heist (Original Mix)
Released on Dec 15, 2022
Artist Name
Forward Motion (Original Mix)
Released on Dec 15, 2022

More about False Persona

Overview of Techno musician False Persona

False Persona is an electronic music artist from Bournemouth, England, who is renowned for their distinctive fusion of techno and other subgenres. False Persona's music is dynamic and expressive, with a sound that conjures both the ethereal and the hard-hitting.

Their music is distinguished by complex soundscapes, pulsating beats, and an otherworldly quality that takes listeners to different worlds. False Persona's music offers a unique perspective on electronic music that keeps people coming back for more. It is experimental yet approachable.

False Persona is a rising star in the electronic music scene with a sound that is both fresh and firmly anchored in the traditions of the genre. False Persona are a force to be reckoned with in the electronic music scene thanks to their alluring soundscapes and contagious enthusiasm.

What are the most popular songs for Techno musician False Persona?

For any fan of the genre, several of the well-known tunes by False Persona, an electronic and techno musician from Bournemouth, United Kingdom, are a must-listen. With its throbbing beats, "System" is a captivating track that transports you to another place. The song "Assisted Pulse" is another example of the artist's proficiency in the field. The addictive rhythm produced by the pounding bassline and clean synths will have you moving in no time.

The song "Catalyst" is certain to start any celebration. The eerie voices that accompany the track's strong pulse give it an ethereal feel. Another song that will make your heart race is "Knocking". The song's fast pulse and complex melodies combine to provide an intense yet enthralling soundtrack.

The song "Parallax" is the ideal illustration of the artist's capacity to produce exotic soundscapes. The track's atmospheric composition is both beautiful and unsettling thanks to its ethereal synths and eerie melodies. The song "Unknown Variable" is another example of the artist's skill at producing complicated melodies and captivating beats.

The song "Subtraction" is certain to make your heart race. The song's strong and alluring soundscape is produced by its driving beat and complex melodies. For any fan of the genre, "Orbit" is another song you should check out. A seductive and alluring ambience is created by the track's throbbing beat and sophisticated synths.

The song "It Go Like - False Persona Remix" is certain to start any party. The song's upbeat rhythm and memorable melody produce an entertaining and captivating soundscape. Another song that will make your heart race is "ROLL CALL". The song's strong and alluring soundscape is produced by its driving beat and complex melodies.

Overall, False Persona has produced a selection of songs that every fan of Electronic and Techno music should listen to. The musician's skill at producing complicated beats and complex melodies is very astounding.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Techno musician False Persona?

The UK's Bournemouth-based electronic and techno musician False Persona has recently put out a number of outstanding compositions. 'Acid Avengers 018 (2021)' is the artist's most recent album, and it offers a distinctive fusion of acid techno and experimental sounds. The album demonstrates False Persona's talent for writing fascinating and mesmerizing tunes, each of which has a unique story to tell.

'Autopilot (2023), 'Minimal Stares (2023), 'Aftershock (2023), and 'Mind Heist (2022)' are a few of False Persona's most recent hits. Each of these songs demonstrates the artist's talent for writing absorbing and thought-provoking music. False Persona's music is guaranteed to leave listeners with a lasting impression, from the pulsing beats of "Autopilot" to the haunting melodies of "Mind Heist."

Overall, False Persona's most recent releases show how far they are willing to take electronic and techno music. False Persona is an artist to keep an eye on in the coming years, with a fan following that is constantly expanding and a track record for producing unique and fascinating music.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Techno musician False Persona?

Some of the best tracks from UK-based electronic and techno musician False Persona were created in collaboration with other musicians. The tracks "Knocking" and "Parallax" with Nite Fleit, "By My Side - Nite Fleit Remix" with Nite Fleit, "Krug - False Persona Remix" with 5ZYL, and "Brighter Days - Dexorcist Remix" with Dexorcist are among his most significant collaborations.

"Knocking" with Nite Fleit is one of the notable collaborations. The song's throbbing synth lines and driving percussion crescendo to a euphoric finale. Nite Fleit's distinctive sound is evident throughout the song, with her elaborate percussion and evocative vocal samples giving the music depth and texture. The end result is a high-octane dancefloor anthem that highlights both performers' best work.

Nite Fleit and Parallax's cooperation on "Parallax" is also remarkable. False Persona and Nite Fleit experiment with a darker, more atmospheric vibe on this tune. The song's mesmerizing beat and moody synths and vocal samples are what keep the listener engaged. The outcome is a brooding and captivating song that highlights the breadth and versatility of both performers.

Overall, False Persona has proven his ability to collaborate with other musicians to create genre-defying compositions that push the frontiers of electronic and techno music through his work with Nite Fleit, Dexorcist, and his remix work with 5ZYL.