elijah woods
elijah woods

elijah woods

CANPop, Indie Pop
4,508,926 monthly listeners
  • 193K subscribers

elijah woods's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
24/7, 365
2.6M streams
Artist Name
everything everywhere always
601.6K streams
Artist Name
fingers crossed
500.3K streams
Artist Name
230.6K streams
Artist Name
take care
192.2K streams
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week

elijah woods's YouTube Videos

elijah woods - 24/7, 365 (official lyric video)
Jul 27, 2023
elijah woods - 24/7, 365 (sunset session)
Oct 26, 2023
Elijah Woods x Jamie Fine - Ain't Easy
Jan 15, 2018

elijah woods's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
Hot Hits Singapore
by Spotify
Artist Name
by Spotify
Artist Name
LANY Radio
by Spotify
Artist Name
by Spotify
Artist Name
Chill Total
by Spotify

elijah woods's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

Events15 Events

Seoul Jazz Festival
South Korea
, Pang-I-Dong β€’ N/A N/A
elijah woods at Clapper Studio
, Taipei City β€’ N/A Other
elijah woods at Lido Connect
, Bangkok β€’ 500 - 1200 Other
elijah woods at Lido Connect
, Bangkok β€’ 500 - 1200 Other
elijah woods at Esplanade Annexe Studio
, Singapore β€’ 500 - 1200 Hall

elijah woods's Past Events15 Events

  • Seoul Jazz Festival festival

    Laufey, Lauv, Jungle, Tones And I, BIBI (λΉ„λΉ„), FKJ, Jeremy Zucker, Jessie Reyez, Gipsy Kings, elijah woods, Gayle, Tom Grennan, JP Saxe, Caravan Palace, SG Lewis, Bruno Major, Lee Young-ji (μ΄μ˜μ§€), Lianne La Havas, Melody Gardot, Paul Kim (폴킴), Zion.T (μžμ΄μ–Έν‹°), Alexander 23, Jannabi (μž”λ‚˜λΉ„), Stella Jang (μŠ€ν…”λΌμž₯), Cory Wong, MeloMance (멜둜망슀), Anna Of The North, Cautious Clay, Mac Ayres, 92914, Car, the garden, So Soo Bin, Etham, Hiromi, sunwoojunga, Nicolas Reyes, John Scofield, Joshua Redman, Kwon Jin-ah, Danny Koo (λŒ€λ‹ˆ ꡬ), Lee Jin Ah, Chang Kiha, Gabrielle Cavassa, Yunseokcheol Trio, Golden Swing Band
    KOR, Pang-I-Dong
  • elijah woods at Clapper Studio

    elijah woods
    Clapper Studio
    TWN, Taipei City
  • elijah woods at Lido Connect

    elijah woods
    Lido Connect
    THA, Bangkok
    Other500 - 1.2K
  • elijah woods at Lido Connect

    elijah woods
    Lido Connect
    THA, Bangkok
    Other500 - 1.2K
  • elijah woods at Esplanade Annexe Studio

    elijah woods
    Esplanade Annexe Studio
    SGP, Singapore
    Hall500 - 1.2K

More about elijah woods

Overview of Indie Pop musician elijah woods

Elijah Woods is an Ottawa-born Canadian pop performer whose distinct brand of indie-pop is well-known. His music is distinguished from that of his contemporaries by memorable hooks, sentimental lyrics, and an unashamed sense of individualism. Elijah Woods has rapidly established himself as one of the most intriguing new voices in Canadian pop, with a sound that is both modern and classic.

Elijah Woods creates music that is both intellectual and approachable, drawing on a wide range of inspirations, from traditional 80s pop to modern indie rock. He has gained fans all around Canada and beyond with his soaring vocals and catchy songs. He has a talent for touching listeners emotionally, whether he is writing exuberant songs or private ballads.

Elijah Woods shines out as a true individual in a time when so much mainstream music sounds recycled and predictable. He is ready to rock the world of pop music with his talent, charisma, and commitment to his profession. Elijah Woods is a musician you won't want to miss if you enjoy indie-pop with a modern feel.

What are the most popular songs for Indie Pop musician elijah woods?

Elijah Woods is an upcoming Pop and Indie Pop musician from Ottawa, Canada, who has recently gained popularity. He is well known for the songs "Fingers Crossed," "Everything Everywhere Always," "Wildfire," and "Take Care." Each song features his own sound and style, along with memorable hooks and deep words.

With its cheerful tempo and accessible lyrics about the struggle to find happiness in life, "Almost Happy" is another standout hit. In contrast, the slower, more reflective song "Lights" examines the subject of loss and moving on.

Elijah Woods has also released the hits "ILU," "Matthew," "The Way That We Started (Taylor)," and "First Night." Although each song has its own distinct mood and message, they are all connected by Elijah's distinctive sound.

Overall, Elijah Woods is a gifted musician who has a promising future. His music has a vibe that is both contemporary and classic, and it is catchy and relatable. This Pop and Indie Pop music rising sensation is one to keep an eye on.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Indie Pop musician elijah woods?

Elijah Woods, a musician from Ottawa, Canada, recently released some amazing new music. His most recent song, "Make Believe" (2023), is an infectious pop song that displays his diverse vocal range. The song is a fantastic example of Elijah's abilities as a songwriter and performer, so it's not surprising that both fans and critics have given it favorable reviews.

Elijah also recently released "Past Life" (2023), a languid indie pop song that displays his reflective side. Listeners seeking something a little more reflective will undoubtedly find solace in the song's eerie atmosphere. Elijah uses his voice to portray the emotion and vulnerability that are at the core of the song, which makes for a particularly strong vocal performance on this tune.

Last but not least, Elijah issued "The Way That We Started (Taylor)" in 2022 as a moving ode to a broken heart. Anyone who has ever experienced heartbreak will be able to relate to the song's soaring chorus and relevant lyrics. On this song, Elijah's voice is both strong and tender, and it's obvious that he put his heart and soul into it.

Elijah Woods is an accomplished musician who is beginning to make a name for himself in the pop and indie pop music industries. His most recent works demonstrate his artistic diversity, and it is obvious that he has a promising future. Elijah's most recent songs are absolutely worth listening to for fans of pop and indie pop music as they are likely to please.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Indie Pop musician elijah woods?

Throughout his career, Elijah Woods has given performances at a number of music festivals and venues. At the RBC Bluesfest Ottawa, one of his most famous festival performances, the audience enjoyed his indie pop sound. Elijah's performance will have a lot of opportunity for publicity because this festival is known for drawing well-known musicians.

Elijah has performed in Ottawa, Canada, in a number of prestigious locations in addition to his festival appearances. He had one of his most memorable performances at The 27 Club, a well-known music venue. Elijah's appearance was another successful artist that this venue has hosted over the years.

Elijah has also had the chance to perform at a number of other events and festivals around Canada, such as the Mod Club Theatre in Toronto and the Halifax Pop Explosion. Through these appearances, he was able to meet new admirers and expose his distinctive music to a larger audience.

Overall, Elijah Woods' career has included a number of significant musical concerts and festival appearances. In Canada, audiences have responded favorably to his indie pop sound at venues including The 27 Club and the RBC Bluesfest Ottawa.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Indie Pop musician elijah woods?

Canadian pop and indie pop musician Elijah Woods has worked with many different musicians, but some of his most significant partnerships have been with Jessia, Will Hyde, Jocelyn Alice, and Ashley Singh.

"First Night" with Jessia is one of the collaborations. The song is a catchy pop number that highlights the vocal prowess of both performers. The two artists' collaboration was successful, and both fans and critics have praised the song.

Hayley, a famous joint effort with Will Hyde, is another. Hyde's relaxed indie pop music and Woods' silky vocals give the song a dreamy, nostalgic feel. The collaboration was successful, as evidenced by the song's thousands of streaming counts across various music services.

Another notable project for Elijah Woods was "Red Flags" with Jocelyn Alice. The song is a popular pop number with lyrics that are universal and an upbeat melody. Both fans and critics have given the duet favorable reviews, praising the way it highlights the vocal abilities of both performers.

Elijah Woods was featured on an open-verse remix of the original tune for the special collaboration "10 Summers - elijah Woods Open Verse Edition" with Ashley Singh. The partnership gave the song a new perspective and demonstrated Woods' artistic ability.

Overall, Elijah Woods has worked with a variety of musicians to produce catchy and distinctive pop and indie pop songs. However, some of the most significant and fruitful partnerships in his musical career include those with Jessia, Will Hyde, Jocelyn Alice, and Ashley Singh.

What do people also ask about Indie Pop musician elijah woods?

Was Elijah Wood Spiderman?


Does Elijah Wood really play piano?

Actor Elijah Wood learnt to play piano in just three weeks to portray a musical genius in a movie.

Who gets confused with Elijah Wood?

Daniel Radcliffe gets confused with Elijah Wood.

How old was Elijah Wood when he played Frodo?

Elijah Wood was 18 years old when he played Frodo in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

What happened to Jamie Fine and Elijah Wood?

After working together for Big Machine Records for four years, Jamie Fine and Elijah Woods mutually decided to part ways in November 2020 in order to focus on their respective solo ventures.

What happened with Elijah Wood?

One week before his 24th birthday, Elijah Wood was tragically murdered at the gas station where he worked.

How old is Elijah Wood in LOTR?

Fans will always remember Elijah Wood as Frodo even though he was only 20 years old when he played the character in "The Lord of the Rings."

Can Elijah Wood sing?

In addition to playing piano and drums for Viggo Mortensen's album PandemoniumfromAmerica, on which he also sung on two of the tracks, Wood also sang briefly in two of his early films.

Did Elijah Wood keep the ring?

Elijah Wood kept one of the One Rings after finishing The Lord of the Rings movies. 10 or so were created for the cinema.

Did Elijah Wood have a baby?

A boy and a girl were born to "Yellowjackets" actor Elijah Wood and Danish film producer Mette-Marie Kongsved in 2019 and late 2021, respectively.

Did Elijah Wood get married?

When the Lord of the Rings actor revealed his second child, all eyes were on his wife. In 2022, Elijah Wood and his partner Mette-Marie Kongsved had a new child.

Does Elijah Wood have any children?

Elijah Wood recently announced that he and his partner had welcomed their second kid last year, making him a father for the second time. They also have a son, age three.