

DEUElectronic, Drum & Bass
493 monthly listeners
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Brazed's Top Spotify Songs

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Nirvana - Brazed Remix
32 streams
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Heben ab - Brazed Remix
29 streams
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24 streams
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We're Manicals! - Brazed Remix
20 streams
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Bada Boom - Brazed Remix
18 streams
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Brazed's YouTube Videos


DiscoCTRL - Last Friday (Brazed Remix) | FREE DOWNLOAD


DiscoCTRL - Last Friday (Brazed Remix) | FREE DOWNLOAD
Jan 30, 2019

Brazed - Inner Planet (AL147)


Brazed - Inner Planet (AL147)
Jul 11, 2013

Brazed Analyzing (AL178)


Brazed Analyzing (AL178)
Jul 11, 2013

Brazed's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

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Drum & Bass Massive | Play Me Records
by Spotify
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Fusion Festival 2022
by Spotify
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by Spotify
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by Spotify
Artist Name
D&B: neurofunk/darkstep/techstep/hardstep/drumstep/jump-up/deep/halftime/uk dnb/jungle/breakbeat
by Spotify

More about Brazed

Overview of Drum & Bass musician Brazed

Brazed is a captivating artist with a specialization in Electronic music, with an emphasis on the dynamic subgenre of Drum & Bass. He is a native of the lively city of Hamburg, Germany. Brazed has made a name for themselves in the music industry by pushing the envelope and creating tracks that are both compelling and creative.

Brazed's music has a deep emotional resonance for listeners because it incorporates throbbing beats, sophisticated melodies, and an unrelenting energy. They stand out from their peers due to their ability to adroitly combine aspects of Electronic music with the complex rhythms of Drum & Bass. Each song is a sonic journey that weaves together various layers of sound to evoke everything from euphoria to introspection.

Audiences are enthralled by Brazed's music from the very first note because it radiates such a pure passion and feeling of adventure. Every composition demonstrates their command of production methods and their capacity to construct a singular acoustic environment. Brazed's music transports listeners to a different dimension where they may lose themselves in the rhythm and embrace the adrenaline of the dancefloor, whether it's the pounding basslines or the ethereal synth melodies.

In conclusion, Brazed is a ground-breaking musician from Germany who has gained recognition for their fascinating combination of Drum & Bass in the Electronic music scene. Their talent and passion are evident in their capacity to fascinate audiences with their avant-garde sound and determination to expanding the parameters of their genre. Brazed continues to reinvent what is possible in the field of electronic music with every song they put out, making their stamp on the industry forever. So prepare for a sonic journey with Brazed and let their music take you to intriguing new worlds.

What are the most popular songs for Drum & Bass musician Brazed?

The Hamburg, Germany-born electronic and drum and bass musician Brazed has mesmerized listeners with his contagious beats and distinctive sound. "Rush," "Heben ab - Brazed Remix," and "Nirvana - Brazed Remix" are some of his most well-known tunes, and each one displays Brazed's ability for fusing electronic components with the vigor of drum and bass.

In "Rush," Brazed uses complex melodies and throbbing basslines to transport listeners on a high-octane ride. The song is evidence of his ability to design a sound environment that engages listeners from beginning to end. Similar to how "Heben ab - Brazed Remix" gives the original tune a new spin by bringing Brazed's distinctive flair and contagious energy to it.

Other noteworthy songs by Brazed include "Bada Boom - Brazed Remix," "Mutex," and "Energy (feat. Bomsh)." Each of these songs displays Brazed's musical variety as well as his talent for crafting distinctive melodies and arrangements. No matter if you prefer drum and bass or electronic music, Brazed's music is sure to get you moving.

The remixes of "Nirvana" and "We're Manicals! - Brazed Remix" by Brazed show his aptitude for taking well-known songs and giving them a fresh new spin. With the addition of multiple layers of electronic elements and intricate rhythms, these remixes give the original tunes fresh life.

With songs like "Harpoon," "Standstreifen - Brazed Remix," and "Remainder," Brazed keeps challenging the limits of electronic and drum and bass music. His music is a tribute to his love for writing engrossing, vivacious compositions that connect with audiences all around the world.

In the electronic and drum and bass music scenes, Brazed has established himself as a major player. He has demonstrated his capacity to produce music that enthralls and energizes audiences with his well-known songs like "Rush," "Heben ab - Brazed Remix," and "Nirvana - Brazed Remix." Any fan of electronic music should listen to Brazed's music, whether they prefer his remixes or his original compositions.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Drum & Bass musician Brazed?

With his most recent songs and albums, German electronic and drum & bass musician Brazed has been creating waves in the music business. In "The 3rd & 4th Year Mixed By Brazed (2021)," his most recent album, he demonstrates his skill and originality in fusing electronic and drum & bass components.

With songs like "Mutex / Contention (2022)," "Drop It / Rust (2021),," "Signal / Future (2020)," and "Energy / Elope (2019)," Brazed maintains his impressive style in his most recent single. Each song showcases his mastery of electronic sounds and alluring melodies, giving listeners a distinctive and intriguing experience.

The music of Brazed stands out for its contagious intensity and seamless fusion of the drum and bass and electronic genres. He makes tunes that are immersive and lively because to his creative production methods and attention to detail. His music is ideal for fans of high-energy electronic music since it exudes a sense of forward motion and enthusiasm.

The most recent music releases by Brazed are evidence of his talent and commitment to his trade. He keeps pushing boundaries and venturing into new aural realms with every album. Whether you enjoy drum & bass or electronic music, Brazed's music is bound to make an impact.

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Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Drum & Bass musician Brazed?

German electronic musician Brazed, who is from Hamburg, has worked with a number of well-known performers. The remix of Neonschwarz's song "Heben ab" is among his notable collaborations. The Brazed Remix adds distinctive electronic sounds and a lively energy that give the original track a new perspective and takes it to new musical heights. It demonstrates Brazed's skill in reinterpreting music and producing an engrossing aural environment.

The remix of "Nirvana" by Funf Sterne deluxe by Brazed is another noteworthy project. Brazed adds his distinctive brand of drum and bass to the music in this remix, giving it a lively and engaging groove. The original vocals are flawlessly combined with electronic components in the remix to create an enthralling combination of genres that highlights Brazed's musical diversity.

Additionally, Brazed and Magugu worked together to remix "Bada Boom," which demonstrates Brazed's aptitude for producing an enthralling environment. The "Bada Boom" Brazed Remix ups the intensity and excitement of the original song by layering over complex electronic noises.

While all of Brazed's collaborations are significant, these particular ones show off his capacity to remix popular songs in an interesting way and add a fresh viewpoint. Brazed continues to push the limits of electronic and drum and bass music through his collaborations, displaying his abilities and creativity in the field.