Ben Dunnill
Ben Dunnill

Ben Dunnill

CANClassical, Classical Crossover
26,991 monthly listeners
  • 27K subscribers

Ben Dunnill's Top Spotify Songs

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Gangsta's Paradise (Jazz Version)
13.5K streams
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Lose Yourself (Jazz Version)
3.1K streams
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City of Stars
2.2K streams
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Pure Imagination (Live)
1.4K streams
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Gods Plan (Live)
1.1K streams
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Ben Dunnill's YouTube Videos


When You Can’t Decide on a Piano

Ben Dunnill

When You Can’t Decide on a Piano
Aug 28, 2022

How to get kicked out of a piano store

Ben Dunnill

How to get kicked out of a piano store
Nov 18, 2022

When your left alone at the Piano store

Ben Dunnill

When your left alone at the Piano store
Aug 28, 2022

Ben Dunnill's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

More about Ben Dunnill

Overview of Classical Crossover musician Ben Dunnill

Canadian classical and classical crossover musician Ben Dunnill hails from White Rock. He has a strong foundation in classical music and has been able to blend different elements from other genres into his work to produce a distinctive and alluring sound. His music is renowned for its rich emotional content, complex melodies, and potent instrumentation that elicits a wide spectrum of emotions in his listeners.

Dunnill's love of music began during his early years, when he started learning to play the piano. He continued formal music studies and has since developed his skills as a musician and composer. His work has received accolades for its ability to cross genres and connect with a broad audience, displaying his adaptability and musical talent.

Overall, Dunnill's music is a reflection of his originality and commitment to the art form. He has made a name for himself in the industry and inspired countless people along the road thanks to his strong ear for melody and thorough knowledge of classical music.

What are the most popular songs for Classical Crossover musician Ben Dunnill?

Ben Dunnill, a musician from White Rock, Canada, has become well-known for his outstanding fusion of classical and classical crossover music. "Out Tonight," "City of Stars," "I Want You," "August," "Everything Happens To Me," "Song for Bowie," "Dust," "The Driver - Live," "Help Me," and "Move On" are a few of his best songs.

Ben's music is a distinctive blend of classical instruments and contemporary sounds that captivates listeners. Its fusion of jazz and classical music makes the single "Out Tonight" an outstanding example of this. The lovely piano tune "City of Stars" from another song demonstrates Ben's prowess with the instrument.

With its usage of electronic sounds and percussion, the song "August" adopts a more experimental tack. Jazz standard "Everything Happens To Me" is performed by Ben in a heartfelt way that demonstrates his talent for incorporating feeling into his music. The song "Song for Bowie" pays homage to the legendary artist David Bowie and has a lovely string section that heightens the track's emotional impact.

Overall, Ben Dunnill's music shows evidence of his musical aptitude and innovation. What distinguishes him from other classical crossover musicians is his ability to flawlessly combine classical and modern sounds. It's understandable why fans of both classical and contemporary music have grown fond of his work.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Classical Crossover musician Ben Dunnill?

Ben Dunnill, a Canadian musician who specializes in classical music and classical crossover, recently released a few tunes that demonstrate his skill and ability. His most recent hits include "Beautiful Girl", "Everything Happens To Me", "City of Stars" and "August". Each song stands out and demonstrates a different side of Dunnill's musical prowess.

The lovely and poetic tune "Beautiful Girl" exemplifies Dunnill's talent for romantic and evocative music. The song has luxuriant instrumentation and Dunnill's stirring voice. Introspective and melancholy, "Everything Happens To Me" showcases Dunnill's piano prowess and his capacity to express complicated emotions through music.

The magnificent and cinematic piece "City of Stars" demonstrates Dunnill's talent for crafting vast and sweeping compositions. Fans of classical and movie music will be wowed by the song's orchestral arrangements and soaring chorus. The experimental and more minimal piece "August" exemplifies Dunnill's ability to produce distinctive music that pushes the boundaries of crossover and classical genres.

Overall, Ben Dunnill's most recent singles demonstrate his musical range and talent. Dunnill's music is consistently lovely, expressive, and enthralling, whether he is writing vast cinematic compositions, romantic ballads, introspective piano pieces, or experimental recordings. Check out his newest releases if you enjoy crossover and classical music.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Classical Crossover musician Ben Dunnill?

Throughout his career, classical crossover musician Ben Dunnill has worked with a variety of musicians, but one of his most significant partnerships was with Dave Wave on the song "Out Tonight." Wave's electronic beats and synths give the song a modern edge while preserving Dunnill's distinctive fusion of classical and modern music. The end result is a lively and vivacious song that highlights both artists' abilities.

Dunnill's collaboration with soprano singer Amelie Provost is another noteworthy project. Numerous times, the duo has performed together, fusing the piano prowess of Dunnill with the forceful voice of Provost. Their performances are heartfelt and compelling, with Provost's soaring vocal complemented well by Dunnill's exquisite compositions.

Overall, Dunnill's artistic horizons have been expanded, and his comfort zone has been pushed by his collaborations with other musicians. Whether collaborating with classical singers like Amelie Provost or electronic artists like Dave Wave, Dunnill is constantly seeking new approaches to create and develop his sound.