Salam Orient
Salam Orient

Salam Orient

AUT, ViennaLocation
Middle Eastern, Rock, Jazz

Most Popular Artists Performing At Salam Orient Over The Years

Ghalia Benali

BELMiddle EasternArabic Folk
Ghalia Benali
Ghalia Benali
BELArabic Folk

El Morabba3

JORRockAlternative Rock
El Morabba3
El Morabba3
JORAlternative Rock


CANClassicalClassical Crossover
CANClassical Crossover

Renaud Garcia-Fons

FRAJazzSmooth Jazz
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Renaud Garcia-Fons
FRASmooth Jazz

Yemen Blues

ISRBluesContemporary Blues
Yemen Blues
Yemen Blues
ISRContemporary Blues

Highlights at Salam Orient 3

City festival
City festival
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Salam Orient Amenities

    Salam Orient Accommodation