Rock am Feld
Rock am Feld

Most Popular Artists Performing At Rock am Feld Over The Years


DEUMetalAlternative Metal
DEUAlternative Metal


DEURockHard Rock
DEUHard Rock


DEUPunkPunk Rock
DEUPunk Rock

Surrender the Crown

DEUMetalAlternative Metal
Surrender the Crown
Surrender the Crown
DEUAlternative Metal


DEUMetalAlternative Metal
DEUAlternative Metal

Highlights at Rock am Feld 4

Unique location
Unique location
Chill zone
Chill zone
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Rock am Feld Amenities

    Rock am Feld Accommodation

    More about Rock am Feld

    Overview of Germany based music festival Rock am Feld

    Germany hosts the prestigious metal music festival Rock am Feld every year. The festival, which is well-known for its ferocious energy and moving performances, attracts tens of thousands of metalheads from around the globe. Rock am Feld, which was founded in the early 2000s, has established itself as a mainstay in the global metal scene and is renowned for hosting some of the biggest stars in the genre.

    The festival has a broad lineup of bands from various metal subgenres, including deathcore, black metal, and classic heavy metal. With outstanding stages, lighting, and sound systems, the festival's production values are top-notch and the performances reach new heights. For any metal fan seeking an exceptional live music experience, Rock am Feld is a must-attend event with a dedicated audience and an energetic atmosphere.

    What is the Rock am Feld location and date?

    In Germany's Braunweiler, there is a metal music festival called Rock am Feld. The festival's most recent iteration took place on September 3 and 4, 2021. The event is renowned for its spectacular performances, vivacious atmosphere, and devoted audience. Rock am Feld is a must-attend event for metalheads, featuring a lineup of some of the top metal bands in the world.

    The festival grounds are situated in a lovely area, encircled by rolling hills and lush green meadows. The festival's organizers take great care to make sure everyone has a fun and safe time there. The event provides everything you need for a fun day, from first-rate security to fantastic food and beverage selections. Metal enthusiasts just cannot afford to miss Rock am Feld, an event that honors metal music and culture.

    Which top musicians performed on the Rock am Feld lineup?

    Some of the most spectacular performances by metal luminaries have taken place at Rock am Feld, the legendary German metal festival. Some of the biggest stars in the business have performed at the festival over the years, captivating the audience. No exception was made for the festival's 2023 iteration, which featured some of the most brilliant and in-demand acts.

    Maerzfeld, Unherz, Leidbild, Surrender the Crown, Maschinist, SAMARAH, ULTRASCHALL, Green Machine, Revolution Eve, and ANDY'S SISTER were a few of the best performers. Every one of these performers brought their own distinctive energy and style to the stage, leaving the audience clamoring for more. An broad variety of metal sub-genres, from heavy metal to death metal and everything in between, were featured in the festival's remarkable lineup.

    The festival was the ideal fusion of unbridled power, intense intensity, and a hint of showmanship. The performers demonstrated their mastery of music by giving stirring performances that deeply affected the audience. With its spectacular performances, breathtaking sights, and lively environment, Rock am Feld once again shown why it is the best destination for metalheads from all over the world. All those who attended agreed that the festival's 2023 iteration was a genuine celebration of everything metal.

    Where can festival goers purchase Rock am Feld tickets?

    Each year, thousands of Metal music fans flock to Germany's Rock am Feld festival. Tickets for the event are available for purchase from approved ticket dealers or the festival's official website. It is advised to make early reservations to ensure the best price because ticket costs fluctuate depending on the kind of ticket and the date of purchase.

    Which addtional highlights and amenities define the music festival Rock am Feld?

    German metal music festival Rock am Feld is well-known and features more than simply music. The festival is held in a distinctive setting that enhances the overall experience. The festival is a family-friendly event where attendees can participate in a variety of activities. The availability of camping options allows visitors to completely enjoy the festival without having to worry about lodging. The festival offers a chance to unwind and unwind in the cool area.

    The festival is held in an outdoor setting amidst stunning scenery. Visitors to the festival are drawn in by the area's beautiful splendor. The setting offers the music festival the ideal backdrop, making it a memorable occasion. The event provides attendees with a variety of activities in addition to music. Visitors to the event can take walks or treks in nature, explore the surrounding areas, or just take in the breathtaking view.

    The festival organizers at Rock am Feld take great effort to make sure that festival-goers of all ages have a good time because it is a family-friendly event. Children can participate in a variety of activities at the event, such as face painting, jumping castles, and other games. Families may stay together more easily at the festival thanks to a special family camping area.

    In conclusion, Rock am Feld is more than just a music event; it's a multifaceted experience. The festival features a distinctive setting, camping options, a chill area, and a variety of activities for people of all ages. The chance to decompress, unwind, and take in the beauty of nature while listening to your favorite metal bands is ideal.

    What do people also ask about Rock am Feld?