for Artists

Your Apple Music Stats
With A Twist

Connect your ‘Apple Music for Artists’ and other music channels to get all your streaming data in one place.

Your Apple Music Stats With A Twist

All your Apple Music stats

Apple Music listeners,
plays and purchases

Daily and historic stats plus play sources.

Apple Music
playlist performance

Playlist placements with generated plays.


Gender, age, and geolocation of your fanbase.

Trending markets

Countries with the fastest-growing listeners.


Connect all your music channels!

Connect your Spotify, Shazam and Amazon Music to get your streaming channels analyzed in one place. We’ll automatically integrate all other music and social stats.

spotifyApple MusicAmazon MusicShazamYoutubeSoundCloudDeezerRadio AirplayTikTokInstagram

Monitor your Apple Music listeners, plays and purchases

  • Get daily and historic Apple Music stats: your listeners, plays, song and album purchases. Identify your top songs and playlists that feature them.
  • Start Now
Monitor your Apple Music listeners, plays and purchases

Who is in your Apple Music audience?

  • How old are your listeners and where are they coming from? This can help you plan promotional campaigns and reach the right audience. Also, you can find potential markets for gigs and back your pitch to event organizers with data.
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Who is in your Apple Music audience?

Where are your listeners growing?

  • Find the countries with the fastest-growing audience. This is perfect for measuring how impactful your international gigs and campaigns were.
  • Start Now
Where are your listeners growing?

Which Apple Music playlists bring you the most streams?

  • Know which playlists work the best for you. Get a complete overview of editorial and user-generated playlisting and find out exactly how many plays each playlist generated for you.
  • Start Now
Which Apple Music playlists bring you the most streams?

Connect more music channels for the best experience

  • Connect your Spotify, Amazon Music, and Shazam to have all your music analytics at your fingertips. The perfect hub for planning and monitoring your music releases.
  • Start Now
Connect more music channels for the best experience

We’ll integrate other music channels

  • We’ll automatically integrate your YouTube, SoundCloud, Deezer, and radio airplay stats from Viberate’s professional analytics platform. We’ll be adding options to directly connect those channels as well.
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We’ll integrate other music channels

All your social media insights in the same place

  • We’ll display your TikTok, Instagram and Facebook stats in the same hub. You can monitor your stats, see which content works best, reach the right audience with fanbase insights, and measure your marketing campaigns.
  • Start Now
All your social media insights in the same place

Showcase your music

  • At Viberate, every artist has a professional public page. It contains your signature content, stats, and upcoming events. It’s beautifully designed and automatically updated, so you can share it with music professionals looking for artists for events or other collaborations.
  • Start Now
Showcase your music
All-In-One Workspace

Your artist stats & promo tools in one hub

Supercharge your music career without switching tools.

No credit card required!

How to connect my Apple Music for Artists account?

  1. Tell us who you are

    Under the Apple Music tab, paste your Apple Music link.

  2. Verify with Apple Music for Artists

    We’ll send a request to join your team via Apple Music for Artists.

  3. Grant our access request

    You approve our request in your Apple Music for Artists “Accounts” tab.

  4. That’s it!

    Once you confirm it, you can see your Apple Music stats, connect your other music channels for more first-party stats and start monitoring your music stats in one place.

We have answers

Why is ‘Viberate for Artists’ the best among different websites for Apple Music stats?

Compared to other websites for Apple Music stats, Viberate for Artists shows you all your Apple Music for Artists stats plus allows you to monitor music analytics from every platform in one place. Also, you can see how other similar artists are doing so you can see where you stand in comparison. We also analyze 100k Apple Music playlists so you can focus your efforts on the ones that best match your music.

Why are Viberate's artist stats better than Apple Music for Artists?

Viberate for Artists is home to all your streaming and social stats. Just like Apple Music for Artists, Viberate for Artists displays all your first-party Apple Music stats, meaning they are the most up-to-date and accurate. Additionally, you can connect more music channels and monitor all your first-party stats in one place. We also complete these stats with more Viberate data for a detailed overview. We’ll integrate your data from non-connected music and social channels in the same place. This way, you can see how promotion campaigns on social media translated into streams and video views and determine which worked the best, for example. You can monitor all your channels individually or get an overview in one dashboard to get a better picture of your career growth.

Why should I connect my Apple Music for Artists account to Viberate?

With Viberate for Artists you get the most complete music analytics at your fingertips. Next to Apple Music for Artists, you can also connect other music channels and have all your first-party streaming stats in one artist hub. We’ll add additional metrics you can’t access solely with your Apple Music for Artists account and you’ll also connect your stats with Viberate Analytics so you can get better data all in one place: streaming, social, and cross-channel.

I want to connect my Apple Music for Artists account. How do I approve your request on Apple Music?

Once you’ve added your Apple Music link, we’ll send you a request to access your Apple Music for Artists page in the next 24 hours. Then follow these steps:
  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Account tab
  3. Find the email ending with and click the “Pending Approval” next to it
  4. Choose the access level (Analyst) and click Approve

If you have any issues, contact us at Our team will be happy to help you.

How important are Apple Music stats?

Apple Music stats are very important. Despite the viral power of TikTok and currently prevailing status of Spotify, A&Rs still focus heavily on platforms where music is unaccompanied by a strong visual element and where its longevity power can be impartially assessed. With the second biggest market share among DSPs, Apple Music is undoubtedly a strong indicator of a musician’s overall music performance.

What is Viberate for Artists and how can I use it?

Viberate for Artists is a hub uniting all the must-have tools for independent musicians – streaming & social stats plus data-driven marketing tools – in one place. This is how it works:

  1. By connecting your Spotify for Artists account and other music channels, you can monitor all your streaming stats in one place. Data from the channels you connect is private to you. Viberate for Artists is powered by the music data company Viberate which maps and analyzes the entire music industry in one place, including 1M+ artists. We’ll enhance the information from your channels with our own music and social media data, which will allow you to look deeper and monitor all your analytics in one place. With the correct information, you can promote your music where it matters most and gain new fans more easily.
  2. At Viberate, every artist – including you – gets a public music website (if your artist page is not in our database yet, we’ll add it). It’s professionally designed and automatically updated. By connecting at least one music channel, you’ll take control of your website, remove all banners, and add your contact buttons. You can start sharing it right away! It contains all the important information that music professionals, from event organizers to A&Rs, need when scouting or booking artists.
  3. Viberate also analyzes and ranks 12M+ playlists. You get access to the chart which you can narrow according to your genre, playlist type, career stage, etc., and reach out to Spotify playlist curators, most suitable for you. You can pitch your songs to 2,500+ verified curators directly from the platform and reach many more via external links.

Get started here.

Supercharge your music career without switching tools

Here’s your all-in-one artist workspace to monitor your releases and promote them where it matters.