JPNPop, Asian Pop
27,970 monthly listeners
  • 52.2K subscribers

ELAIZA's Top Spotify Songs

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9.1K streams
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night walk
2.9K streams
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1.8K streams
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Close to you
1.6K streams
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ELAIZA's YouTube Videos

ELAIZA - 'Close to you' (official video)
Sep 04, 2021

ELAIZA “わたしたち” Studio Live


ELAIZA  “わたしたち”  Studio Live
Aug 16, 2023
ELAIZA - 'スクラップ&ビルド' (official video)
Oct 10, 2023

ELAIZA's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

More about ELAIZA

Overview of Asian Pop musician ELAIZA

Japanese pop artist ELAIZA is a gifted performer who specializes in the Asian pop style. Her songs are distinguished by earworm melodies, peppy rhythms, and sentimental lyrics that relate to the audience's experiences. ELAIZA has won over fans both in Japan and beyond with her distinct style and contagious energy.

ELAIZA is a pop musician renowned for her capacity to produce music that is both enjoyable and meaningful. While her more serious songs examine difficult feelings and concepts, her peppy melodies are great for dancing and singing along to. ELAIZA has established herself as a favorite among listeners of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds because to her expressive and strong voice.

ELAIZA adds a passion and vigor to her music that is absolutely contagious, whether she is recording in the studio or playing live. ELAIZA is certain to make waves in the pop music industry for years to come thanks to her distinctive blending of musical influences and her dedication to writing music that is both honest and approachable.

What are the most popular songs for Asian Pop musician ELAIZA?

ELAIZA has developed into a well-known Asian Pop musician thanks to several of her well-known songs. With over 3 million YouTube views, her song "Close to you" combines a captivating tune with calming vocals. Another well-liked song is "AYAYAY," which has a more cheerful tempo and lighthearted lyrics.

Another standout song that highlights ELAIZA's vocal range and ability to produce a distinctive sound is "Catch Up SANTA." Slower ballad "META" showcases her expressive vocal delivery and poetic words. The songs "Huo Xing" and "Ai danoLian dano" stand out for their ability to combine a fascinating melody with meaningful lyrics.

While "Oh Pretty Woman" has a retro vibe that is evocative of vintage pop classics, ELAIZA's "Antique" has a catchy beat that is difficult to ignore. The more reflective song "insomnia" demonstrates ELAIZA's capacity to express complicated feelings through her music. Another ballad she wrote, "Meng Jie," demonstrates her ability to tell a compelling and moving tale through her words.

Overall, ELAIZA has produced a wide variety of songs that highlight her own style and aptitude for writing appealing melodies with moving lyrics. Her success in the Asian Pop music scene is evidence of her talent and commitment to excellence.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Asian Pop musician ELAIZA?

With their most recent album "Shi Le Yuan (2021)" and the tracks "Catch Up SANTA (2022)," "META (2022"), "AYAYAY (2021"), and "Close to you (2021)," Japanese pop group ELAIZA has been making waves in the industry. The 'Lost Paradise' album, which translates to 'Lost Paradise,' contains a variety of lively and mellow songs that show off the group's diversity and adaptability.

The most recent tracks, "Catch Up SANTA," "META," "AYAYAY," and "Close to you," each have their own distinctive style and tone. While 'META' has a deeper and harsher tone, 'Catch Up SANTA' has a catchy tune and an uplifting cadence that give off a joyful feeling. The songs of 'AYAYAY' and 'Close to you', which are soothing and emotive, highlight the band's softer side.

Pop, electronic, and J-pop are just a few of the genres that are combined in ELAIZA's music to create a unique and modern sound. Both fans and journalists have praised their most recent album and hits, solidifying their position in the Asian Pop music landscape.

With a mix of lively and relaxing music that reflect their distinct sound and style, ELAIZA's most recent album and singles demonstrate the group's variety and range overall. ELAIZA is undoubtedly an artist to keep an eye on in the Asian Pop music market given their rising fame.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Asian Pop musician ELAIZA?

For the song "Meng Jie," ELAIZA worked with the Japanese jazz group SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS. The band's instrumentals were wonderfully complemented by ELAIZA's vocals, creating a distinctive combination of pop and jazz music.

In "Meng Jie," ELAIZA demonstrates her musical range by deftly fusing the jazzy sound of the ensemble with her pop sound. The song has an exciting groove, and ELAIZA's vocals soar over the vivacious music. It's a remarkable track from her catalog and evidence of her aptitude for working with performers from various musical styles.

Overall, the partnership between SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS was fruitful, with "Meng Jie" getting praise from both critics and fans. It's evidence of the value of teamwork, as two very distinct genres combine to produce something truly original and memorable.