Alessandra Leão
Alessandra Leão

Alessandra Leão

BRARock, Pop Rock
218,079 monthly listeners
  • 10.4K subscribers
  • 6.2K fans

Alessandra Leão's Top Spotify Songs

Artist Name
Cabocla de Pena
84.1K streams
Artist Name
Ponto para Preto Velho
43.4K streams
Artist Name
Abre a Mata, Oxóssi
28K streams
Artist Name
Exu Chega / Exu Guerreiro / Sete Encruzilhadas
20.4K streams
Artist Name
Awa Aabo / Vou Levar Flores / Pontos para Iemanjá
14.9K streams
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week
Streams last week

Alessandra Leão's YouTube Videos

Alessandra Leão - Ponto para Preto Velho
May 14, 2019
Alessandra Leão - Ponto para Preto Velho
May 23, 2019

Ponto Exu Sete Encruzilhadas - Alessandra Leão - Auditório Ibirapuera

Alessandra Leão

Ponto Exu Sete Encruzilhadas - Alessandra Leão - Auditório Ibirapuera
Aug 23, 2020

Alessandra Leão's Top Spotify Playlists in the past 3 Months

Artist Name
Canto aos Orixás
by Spotify
Artist Name
Pontos de Umbanda (Os Melhores) 🍃🍀
by Spotify
Artist Name
Ayahuasca 🐍🍃
by Spotify
Artist Name
by Spotify
Artist Name
umbanda ❤️⚔🙏🏼⚡️🌪⛈🕷🐗🌊🔥@bri_bruna
by Spotify

by Fernanda Benites 🌻

Alessandra Leão's Chart Ranks

Past 12 Months

Events3 Events

Iara Rennó at Casa de Francisca
, Sao Paulo0 - 500 Bar
Karina Buhr at Sesc Pinheiros
, Sao Paulo500 - 1200 Other
Vicente Barreto at SESC Santana
, Sao Paulo0 - 500 Other

Alessandra Leão's Past Events3 Events

  • Iara Rennó at Casa de Francisca

    Alessandra Leão, Thalma de Freitas, Iara Rennó
    Casa de Francisca
    BRA, Sao Paulo
    Bar0 - 500
  • Karina Buhr at Sesc Pinheiros

    Alessandra Leão, Karina Buhr
    Sesc Pinheiros
    BRA, Sao Paulo
    Other500 - 1.2K
  • Vicente Barreto at SESC Santana

    Alessandra Leão, Vicente Barreto
    SESC Santana
    BRA, Sao Paulo
    Other0 - 500

More about Alessandra Leão

Overview of Pop Rock musician Alessandra Leão

Alessandra Leão is a rock artist from Recife, Brazil who enjoys incorporating pop elements into her work. She draws influence from the traditional music of her native Brazil and incorporates modern elements into her music, which is a testament to the varied sounds and cultures of Brazil.

Her distinctive vocal style, which is both strong and passionate, defines Leão's music. Her lyrics frequently explore themes of love, sorrow, and personal development and are reflective and thought-provoking. Her proficiency as a musician and her enthusiasm for writing music that connects with audiences are demonstrated by her ability to flawlessly combine many musical styles.

Leão maintains her groundedness and dedication to her work despite her success in the music business. Every note she plays and every line she sings shows her commitment to her music. Alessandra Leão is certain to make waves in the rock and pop rock music worlds for years to come thanks to her talent and dedication.

What are the most popular songs for Pop Rock musician Alessandra Leão?

Brazilian Pop Rock performer Alessandra Leão, who hails from Recife, has made a reputation for herself because to her distinctive style. Her music combines traditional Brazilian sounds with contemporary rock beats to produce a sound that is both recognizable and unique. Some of her most well-known songs include "Ponto para Preto Velho," "Cabocla de Pena," "Abre a Mata, Oxossi," and "No Pe da Jurema."

The outstanding song "Ponto para Preto Velho" exemplifies Alessandra Leão's talent for fusing several musical genres. The song incorporates rock guitar riffs with traditional Brazilian percussion instruments like the berimbau and the atabaque. Another excellent song that combines traditional Brazilian music with contemporary rock is "Cabocla de Pena". Strong vocals by Alessandra Leão and a memorable guitar riff are included in the song.

"Exu Chega/Exu Guerreiro/Sete Encruzilhadas," The songs "Varanda," "Awa Aabo / Vou Levar Flores / Pontos para Iemanja," "Corre um Rio em Mim," "Ogum Esta de Ronda," "Tatuzinho," and "No Pe da Jurema" are among Alessandra Leão's other well-known compositions. Each song displays her distinct style and aptitude for fusing many musical styles.

Overall, by fusing traditional Brazilian music with contemporary rock sounds, Alessandra Leão has produced a sound that is both familiar and fresh. Her best songs highlight her distinctive style and her aptitude for fusing many musical genres.

What are the latest songs and music albums for Pop Rock musician Alessandra Leão?

With her distinctive combination of rock and pop rock music, Brazilian musician Alessandra Leão has been creating waves in the music world. Her most recent CD, "Acesa (2021)," demonstrates her range and talent as a vocalist and lyricist. The songs on the album cover a variety of topics, from love and loss to social justice and personal development, and are both thought-provoking and inspirational.

"Borda da Pele," a highlight track from "Acesa," was also made available as a single in 2021. With lyrics that exhort listeners to embrace their imperfections and appreciate their individuality, the song makes a potent message on self-acceptance and body positivity. A moving ode to motherhood and the link between a mother and child, "Meu Filho Meu" is another standout piece from the album.

Alessandra Leão has published a number of albums throughout the years in addition to "Acesa," including "Macumbas e Catimbos (2019)" and "Guerreiras (2010)." The excellent singer's newest song, "Borda da Pele (Remix) (2023)," is slated for release soon and looks to be another success. Alessandra Leão is a rising talent in the music industry and one to watch in the coming years with her own blend of rock and pop rock music.

Which are the most important music performances and festival appearances for Pop Rock musician Alessandra Leão?

Sesc Pinheiros and Sesc Santana are only two of the prestigious locations in Brazil where Alessandra Leão has played. Both crowds and critics have given her performances high marks. Leão delivered a remarkable performance of her popular song "Folia de Santo" at Sesc Pinheiros, showcasing her distinct fusion of rock and traditional Brazilian music. Leão put on an energetic concert at Sesc Santana that kept the crowd dancing all night long.

Alessandra Leão has performed at a lot of festivals in addition to these prestigious venues. Her appearance at the Rec-Beat Festival in Recife was one of her most famous ones. She gave a performance there among other well-known Brazilian musicians, securing her position in the thriving music scene of that nation. At the Rio Music Conference, she made another memorable festival appearance and delighted the audience by singing "Pedra de Sal" in front of them.

In the rock and pop rock genres, Alessandra Leão has solidified her reputation as a gifted and adaptable musician. Her reputation as one of Brazil's rising music stars has been solidified by her appearances at prestigious venues and festivals. She is certain to continue making waves in the years to come because to her distinctive sound and fascinating stage presence.

Which are the most important collaborations with other musicians for Pop Rock musician Alessandra Leão?

The tracks "Ponto para Preto Velho" with Mateus Aleluia, "Tatuzinho" with Kiko Dinucci, "Coco de Princesa" with Coco de Oya, "Passaros, Mulheres e Peixes" with Na Ozzetti, and "Chave de Ouro" with Kiko Dinucci are just a few that Alessandra Leão has worked on with other musicians.

Powerful song "Ponto para Preto Velho" demonstrates Alessandra's profound affinity for Afro-Brazilian music. The song, written in collaboration with Mateus Aleluia, a well-known Bahian singer and composer, honors the Candomble and Umbanda spiritual traditions, which are essential to the Afro-Brazilian cultural legacy.

Another well-known collaboration is "Tatuzinho" with Sao Paulo-based musician and composer Kiko Dinucci. The song combines traditional northern rhythms with modern rock in Alessandra's characteristic style, with Kiko's guitar riffs lending a gritty, experimental edge to the mix.

Overall, Alessandra's musical diversity and dedication to discovering new genres and styles are showcased by her collaborations. She keeps pushing the frontiers of Brazilian music and inspiring listeners all around the world with songs like "Ponto para Preto Velho," which features spiritual rhythms, and "Tatuzinho," which features experimental sounds.